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Everything posted by Matt

  1. good call, though I saw him linked with the Chelski job recently
  2. he didnt say there wouldnt be any changes, its just that it seems the majority are happy with TT the way it is, and it wouldnt be reasonable to change the whole site to suit a handful of people, especially since all the changes being requested are available in other forums! Mikes analogy of the pubs is spot on - having different places to socialise gives variety. You'll be welcome here in the quiet "old mans" pub anytime, but dont ask to change it into a Weatherspoons. Maybe have the first few drinks in GOT or the Blueroom then come here for a night cap to chill out. Best way to cover all your Everton needs Did I take it too far now?! Anyway, Avin, I responded to all your points in post 92. Suggestions are always welcome, ideas to improve are great - theres a whole section just for that. But just because theyre put forward doesnt mean they will be put in place. As for it going downhill, for as long as Ive known TT its always been quiet. Mike, correct me if im wrong, but thats always been the way for over a decade, right?
  3. we have a prediction league running mate, and a couple of FF leagues, so theres competitions for anyone to join in on...
  4. Matt

    Norwich (Away)

  5. Cheers Dunc. Seems like quite an open statement of intent.
  6. doesnt say hes been sentenced anywhere, so not guilty yet.
  7. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-21471967 500m?! For using a name!?
  8. im sticking with Holloway, plays very attacking football and if he had had a defence at Blackpool, theyd still be doing well in the EPL. To be honest, cant think who else is out there that Id have!
  9. right, taken my lunch break at my desk to try and address somethings here, I'll put my opinions in bold: Christmas time. Every other forum made an effort to brighten the place up, with backgrounds, lights, animations, and so on. What did we do here? Nothing. It would be a lot of work for a temporary period I would imagine, but give us a reminder around end of October and we will look into it Forum colours. Not at all Everton related, and boring on the verge of suicide. Other forums are bright and cheery. Weve voted on the colours before, result was to keep it the same if I remember correctly. In my opinion its easy to read and not hard on the eyes Smilies. We have the most boring smilies known to man. We did have more but I think a lot got lost in the update - @Mike, do we still have them backed up anywhere? Links. The other forums allow members to share streams etc without problem. What do we do? We prohibit it. Yet links are still posted. We discourage it because of the potential legal ramifications. Theres a note in the rules of the site. Forum history. Go to any other forum, and you can find posts with a quick browse. What do we do? We hide posts older than (x) and we have to be a Ninja assassin to find them again. Then we used to delete all the images to save space lol. Its quite easy to open the filters, but you do have to do it per forum it seems. Just hit the custom button when you go into the forum (in the blue bar near the top) and tick the Remember Filters flag. All the history of the site should be available then. Home page. We don't have one. Why? www.toffeetalk.com isnt the homepage? Do you have an example of what you mean? News articles. We don't have any. Ideas of how to incorporate them, or where to source them from? Moderation. Getting better, but still inexperienced (imo). im not touching this.... Plugins. We don't use any. Why? Possibly down to the fact that the admins and mods may not know how to use them, or how to use code, or may not have the time. Examples of plugins that could be added? User gimmicks. Nothing much to offer members by way of having a laugh here, such as rep, competitions etc. We've tried to keep some going but, like any forum, the members have to help keep them going. I'll try and keep up with the Caption Competition I started a while back but we have jokes threads and again, if people have ideas, float them! Fantasy football. We don't allow none members to participate, and if somebody joins, they are investigated, and then removed. Why? Let anybody join them, and attract a bit of outsider interest. Ive not blocked anyone from the FF competition this time round, its been open to everyone who read the thread and looked up the login detais. Ive certainly not kicked anyone out of the competition that I can remember Forum issues. Slow speed, paste issues, inconsistency with I.E. I.E is terrible but yeah, there are little bugs. Didnt think we had had problems with speed since the last upgrade. Let us know when it slows down and we can investigate (provided we have time at the right time, if you know what I mean) Swearing. Mostly done on here in jest, but a few words should be censored out, and replaced with words such as cunt = "I am thick" etc in the admin panel. Like you say, swearing is usually in jest, or casual but we do take action against those who over step the mark. Never liked the word replacement thing (kinda the opposite of free speach!) but again, put it up for a vote and we'll see what happens
  10. Thats how I like it, nothing about we. So far as I know, youre the only one that suggest to change things, unless im being blind and not seeing other peoples complaints. Like I said, we'll keep the thread open for suggestions. You gave a list of some things and we will look into it. We've voted on changes before, last time was about the colours and, if I remember rightly, the decision was to keep things the way they are. For as long as Ive been on this site, its not about being the busiest or most extravagent - its about being being relaxed have having a decent debate.
  11. Matt

    Norwich (Away)

    cheers Mike. not sure what Norwichs form has been like recently but we need a win and I think we might just sneek it, 2-1 says I. Id like to see a small rotation too: ..................THow................ Nev...Jags........Distin...Baines ..................Gibson................ Kev............ Felli ..........Oviedo .............Jela.......Vic...............
  12. one of the reasons i love this place is because its quiet, has been for the 3.5 yrs ive been here and i imagine its always been quiet. If i want quantity over quality id go back to the blueroom and get frustrated by, well just about everything there. Tried GOT for about 30 mins before getting a headache because of the layout. TT is what it is and it probably wont change. I hope it doesnt to be honest.... Ill move this somewhere when i get home, quite interesting to see peoples take on the site. does someone want to start a real Norwich match day thread?
  13. I thought we were all bond-ing. Plus i like to share
  14. fuck me, just seen Hulks goal! Not a bad job if youre having to pick goal of the week!
  15. hes scored 6 of the last 6 goals for Spurs. Bizarre freekicks, weird technique.... Ive not understood the hype before because, like you say, hes not been consistent, but recently... World XI easily... Special mention to Umtitis strike, utterly stunning and the best goal of the game, which is saying something...
  16. absolutely love Wulffmorganthaler, something to get you into the mood for V day:
  17. not liking them is fair enough, though still not something i understand. theyre just words to me. its people who look down on people who swear (people who look down on anyone else drive me nuts)
  18. people who look down on people who swear. Not sure if it was on here or at work, but i dont get the argument against swearing.
  19. Being in a comedy doesnt necessarily mean they'll turn out ok either: http://en.wikipedia....Macaulay_Culkin
  20. only film that has genuinely scared me was 28 Days Later, because it was 4am in Manchester and I was stoned out of my tree when a group of lads were legging it down the street shouting and screaming..... Event Horizon and Sphere also freaked me out but id watch them again!
  21. can only think of Shrewsbury Town for #1. No idea for #2 without google
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