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Everything posted by Matt

  1. anyone interested in a "speaking with the enemy"? I know there are a couple on here who go to the Utd forums, so if you can be arsed, why not?
  2. You'll hear me crying from here..... Fuck the fucking cunt off.
  3. who said they did a good job? Or is that your last desperate dig?
  4. Where do you think your team will finish realistically? realistically is a very difficult phrase with Everton. Last 2 seasons our form Jan-May has been top 3, but form Aug-Dec is usually lower/mid-table. If, and its a big if, we can get off to a good start, Im going with 5th. Who is the star player in your team? We have a few actually but probably Felli. Who is the weak link in your team? Capt Phil, without blinking. From an outsider’s point of view, what is your take on the current Sunderland side? Strange team. Honestly with all the money thats been spent you should be more successful than you have been but with MoN in charge now, who knows. Must keep Sessegnon though (stating the obvious I know) Do you still feel the same way about football as you used to, say ten years ago, or has it become too money driven and mercenary? If anything, Im getting into it more and more. Partly because of the money side of things, I like to look up the details and that seems to get me more involved in the game. Will we ever see safe standing areas, or is it just a pipe dream? Pipe dream. best of luck mate
  5. there really is a desperate need for a sarcasm font considering most of the users here
  6. In order to figure it out, you'd have to look at all sides of the arguments, not just the bits you want to see.... But yeah, essentially the figures are published each year so it can be roughly worked out. 1 thing we dont know is whether the club are working on new deals (they usually are) or whether players will get bored / want a new challenge / want a bigger pay check / etc....
  7. Beards alive! dunno yet mate, but beers beforehand are long overdue
  8. could ask the same of you? I wouldve thought 4 mortgages paid off, a massive TV deal kicking in and millions off the wage bill, plus 15.5m coming in and only 4.5m spent so far.... Hmmmmmm....... Dont have to be a financial expert to work that out. Oh, and as for the 5m loss, I refer you to the record TV deal again.... Oh, and EVERY club has to sell players to finance new signings. Every club. Its called business and its how business works. We have done it more than other clubs in the past but its nothing out of the ordinary. Cheer up Haf, things are actually looking up! edit: in case youve not seen the TV deal figures, read the 1st paragraph (the 1st article I could find): http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/jun/13/premier-league-tv-rights-3-billion-sky-bt
  9. only thing that is going through my mind is that the Greek league isnt a patch on the EPL.
  10. got a feeling we'll get thumped, mostly because Im going and it'd be just my luck....
  11. shoutbox Ten, Louis gave us the twitter ID of the latest Everton signing: http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/24350-ben-mclaughlin/
  12. Got the wife to watch Heat, been so long since id seen it, forgot how much I love that film!
  13. @benmcl_95 With thanks to our illustrious leader for the heads up...
  14. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh........ Why was that written? Going for the "state the fuckin obvious whilst recycling old bullshit rumours" award?
  15. heart in mouth moment every time this thread gets updated....
  16. http://fantasy.premierleague.com/ already put this in: http://www.toffeetalk.com/index.php?/topic/24330-201213-fantasy-football-and-tipping/&do=findComment&comment=301684
  17. Its called business, players get sold and yet again youre only looking at 1 side of the coin. But the difference between last few years and coming future is that theres a massive bumper TV deal which makes us more financially stable, weve cleared a lot of wage bill in the last 12 months, Baines doesnt want to go, Felli is 9 months into a new contract and we've apparently just paid of 4 mortgages. Stop looking at the past and look at whats coming, thats why im saying its nonsense.
  18. Haf, that really is a lot of nonsense.
  19. still breaking even and with record income each year. So were not operating at a loss at all.
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