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Everything posted by Matt

  1. think 2 successive promotions and a goal ratio of 1 in 2 shows he knows where the goal is and can play in big games. Anyway, I dont want him but I thought he deserved some credit.
  2. twitter seems to have gone nuts saying weve got him on a 4yr deal. Not sure how reliable it is but thats all my feed is showing me...
  3. he was the 2nd highest english goalscorer this term... Good call, but 60 goals in 120 games for them is pretty damn good and important!
  4. Pretty sure hes been one of the main reasons Norwich are back in the EPL Ten. Anyway, I think hes a decent player and shouldve gone to the Euros, but no way we should be wasting precious money on him...
  5. compared to Ibrahimovic? Might be worth a punt, then sell him to Barca for 80m!
  6. Cheers lad. Hope things pick up for Rangers (though i confess, i prefer Celtic for SPL).
  7. true, and so do I, but it still doesnt mean anything to me. I know i'll end up watching it because, like i said, i'll be starved of footy and will take anything at that point!
  8. ive no worries with people voicing their opinions at all, thats not what i was responding too! Just though the language was a little over the top and ive normally got no problems with swearing. Had my coffee now, bit more relaxed!
  9. I like football - not Olympic diving, not hollywood acting... Football is a contact sport and im so sick and tired of people sneezing next to another and causing 3 players to drop to the floor like theyve been shot. I also hate the spanish style of football, the boring the opposition to death with passes. Really irritates me that theyre considered the best when all they do is pass it 5 yards each time and whenever theres any physical pressure they roll around dying. Holland proved that they cant cope with pressure, not sure why people havent cottoned on. They play maybe 5-10minutes of exciting moves and if their football was like that the whole time, that would be my preferred style. Overall, I prefer to see a mix of styles, just so long as its not hoofball. Long ball football is just frustrating. I preferred my 1st response but lost it now
  10. disliking is fine, just thought the 2 posts of abuse was a little overboard.
  11. Altidore and that lad we were linked with last summer, young lad who had a trial with Utd too....Not Buddle... Freddy Adu I think his name was....
  12. this but theres no need for an attack on them like that.
  13. probably because they are the best partnership over the last 2 years. Was going to be my choice too but, over the 10 years Jags/Lescott just about pip them...
  14. "Following their champions league win, Chelsea fans have signed a 1 year extension to remain at the club, they had been strongly linked to Manchester City" ‎"Today Chelsea had to cancel their parade, the bus they planned to use is still parked in front of the goal in Munich"
  15. love this photo.... http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/s320x320/156138_456470357715756_205344452828349_100699902_130317126_n.jpg
  16. bloody hell, how has he not been stolen away to the EPL...
  17. very good question..... Went with Jags and Lescott but its a difficult question to answer!
  18. away for 6 months isnt exactly the same though mate. Ok, depending on wages might be ok, especially since weve got rid of quite a few... Dunno, just dont think his 1 off spell so many years ago is worth getting excited about again...
  19. yes, 3 years ago? 4? Has done what since?
  20. Marco, for you mate: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/560339_363666120366133_268330443233035_981202_177577345_n.jpg
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