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Everything posted by Matt

  1. So because I agree with someone else im a brown nose?
  2. I might ruffle some feathers here but Duffy was the only one who looked to give a shite and was the only positive thing from the game, though Johnny looked solid too. The rest were rubbish, truly rubbish. Neville was lucky to stay on the pitch after that tackle...
  3. Surely the NFL can take out 2 people?
  4. sinus problems for 3 years pretty much none stop and not being able to equalize because of it
  5. so did Stoke and im sure a few other teams.
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2084883/Liverpool-loan-Luc-Castaignos-Inter-Milan.html
  7. maybe im being too sensitive about it then. I just wonder if a kid who supports Everton sees Saha on the page, tries reading through it before getting stuck at the phrase, turning round and saying "dad, what does.... mean?"
  8. just thought there wasnt any need, especially as kids (although not the primary demographic) can read it.
  9. did you put it on the little hand and forget to adjust the strap?
  10. maybe its Tim Howard and he just wants to watch his goal over and over again! edit: or an insomniac
  11. just put the questions in here mate then take your pick from the answers.
  12. http://www.trusteverton.com/ sounds like a plan!
  13. http://www.evertonfc...pers-say-jan-10 The guardian has printed the full tweet unedited according to the OS! Something not quite right with that....
  14. why would you want to see that game again, let alone on DVD!
  15. 1 side usually loses out and its either the side who are so desperate for a sale (Everton) or the side that will pay over the odds for a mediocre player (Spurs for Pienaar as an example).
  16. Matt


    the 'interest' came from lazy assed journos who thought it would be fun to make shit up.
  17. Conditional tense Mike? That is fact isnt it? suck it baby! mmmmmmmmmmwaahahahahhaha!
  18. I saw that before. I really hope this stuff with Terry and Suarez doesnt open up the floodgates....
  19. Royston Drenthe want to stay at Everton permanently - " I feel at home here, it's like a family " @SkySports #EFC
  20. Yup, anyone couldve, Newcastle coughed up the cash so he went there.
  21. cheers Haf, will have a gander tonight after a sauna and swim (maybe a massage too)
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