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Everything posted by Formby

  1. Yup. 289 to get. 20 too many, I think.
  2. Very poor last few overs likely to cost them now.
  3. Afghanistan doing pretty well against NZ, too. If they can keep the scoring down in the last eight overs, they have a real chance.
  4. A bigger shock than Afghanistan over England, I think. Well played, Netherlands. England - South Africa next? What a huge game!
  5. Do you think the game runs the risk of legitimising human rights abuses by accepting the money? UAE (City) and Saudi (Newcastle) have records quite as bad as Qatar's, yet no one seems to say a peep. Or do you think engagement with the PL improves the situation because they are under the spotlight? Places like Dubai attract huge investment and tourism. No one cares about the rights of south Asian construction workers there. A bit off topic, really, but where do you look for investment that's clean?
  6. Any chance Moshiri could give Sheikh Jassim a call before this goes through? He could buy us at a fraction of the cost he was going to pay United.
  7. Me, neither. But another incredible game of rugby. I really can't see England getting past SA, nor Argentina past NZ.
  8. You'll be cheering England on against India then, Steve?
  9. There was definitely a lack of resolve today, which they'll need to fix quickly. A 6-3 record should get them into the semis but I really cant see them beating India or SA, or Australia, for that matter.
  10. Awful display from the off. Deservedly beaten. Mentally not ready?
  11. Enjoy the kip! @Romey 1878 doesn't stress, as you know. Calmest member on the board.
  12. Malan gone now and in real trouble. They are not pressuring the bowlers at all.
  13. Maybe understandably, but playing very conservatively at the moment. Preserve wickets, build slowly. Tense overs.
  14. Afghanistan are a decent outfit. They got 272 for 8 against India. If we keep them under that, we should be okay.
  15. Ireland made too many mistakes. England, without playing well, should get past Fiji. France, hopefully, will get past SA - Dupont returning may just be the difference, though I think it's a risk to play him.
  16. This World Cup gets better. Well played, Argentina. Thoroughly deserved.
  17. The only way out of this terrible mess is through a viable two-state solution (the UN supported the idea of a return to 1967 borders, Hamas have accepted this, but the US has always vetoed it, saying the borders need to be negotiated on Israel's terms.) While the House and Senate is beholden to AIPAC and others (check how many House representatives are pro-Palestinian So, just how powerful is the Israel lobby in the US? | The Independent | The Independent 2013) and Biden needs votes for an election next year, that is never going to happen. America supplies Israel with 3.3 billion's worth of arms every year (Five things you should know about U.S. weapons transfers to Israel | American Friends Service Committee (afsc.org) so the military struggle is hopelessly one-sided. Filthy, disgusting things have been done on both sides, like they were in Northern Ireland. The game was up for the IRA when 9/11 happened. The US, now a victim of terrorism, pronounced war on it. They clamped down on the money the IRA was sourcing from America and the IRA had to negotiate. When governments are beholden to any vested interest / powerful lobbying groups, this shit happens.
  18. EDITED: Faced with serious competition from 1 other bidder who knew we were going to win (and was looking to submit a bid in 2032), we get over the line! Hurray!!! Thanks, Mark! #feelingproud
  19. To be fair, that was the case with Moshiri / Usmanov. No one really bothered till they were made to bother.
  20. Faced with serious competition from 0 other bidders, we get over the line! Hurray!!! Good for the economy, I guess.
  21. Back on track today. Hopefully, can even up the NRR a bit. That will be absolutely vital, I think.
  22. Well, it was a close-run thing but Fiji's bonus point does the trick.
  23. Thought of Frank Carson saying that - 'It's a cracker!' France v South Africa will be just as good, I think.
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