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Everything posted by badaids

  1. He sticks his arm out blatantly to block it.
  2. Consitency is all that I ask for.
  3. Looks like a handball to me.
  4. Gray should have done better there.
  5. VISIT RWANDA has kind of taken on a different meaning now hasn't it?
  6. Tosun needs to visit the same hair clinic as Begovic.
  7. Completely hatstand lineup. It let’s see how they do lay without any real pressure on them. First time in 8 or 9 months since they’ve been able to do that.
  8. I often feel jealous of people who have faith and the strength that people draw from it. I’ve noticed a lot of my friends and workmates turning to religion as we get older. But I the bottom line is that I just don’t believe in any of it. I’m lucky enough to have never had real mental health issues, but I have always had faith in myself. A friend once told me the best piece of advice I ever had: ‘If you think your life is bad then change it’. And I found out you really can with resolve. Whenever I’ve had dark moments, and I had one in the epidemic, I resolved to set some targets and then toil to hit them. I lost a stone and a half through exercise, learned to play the piano and reinvested myself in work. But it’s hard work. I’ve said before on here that I’m out of work and a home shortly, so I’m going to have to dig deep and find something, anything, to keep a roof over us and food. I should feel a lot more stress about that than I do, but I’m 100% sure something will come up if I graft at it. Another type of faith I guess. Anyway - hope Dele can have the faith to get back to his best.
  9. Sorry to hear that dude, hope things are better now. It sounds really horrible. There is clearly something not right with Dele so let’s hope some rest, a pre-season, a bit of faith and support from manager and form and he’ll be back to his best in blue.
  10. There are loads of rumours on the net that an England footballer is addicted to it, and most suggest it is Alli. Would explain drop off in form and why spurs were so keen to move him on.
  11. Some great bits in that vid: - The amazing bit of skill to drag back the ball between his legs so he could finish for the second - pure street. - Doucs getting completely trampled into the hoardings in the celebration of the third goal. - Richi going nuts on various occasions - getting love from everyone. - Mina smashing the ceiling up. - Gomes looking completely withdrawn and quiet in the dressing room afterwards. He looked like he knew he's played badly and was on his way. - A real glimpse of the terrible state of Cenk's hair.
  12. DCL is a good looking lad, authentic and with a glint in his eye. Reminds me of Phil Lynott. Top boy.
  13. Changed the game last night. Well done lad, have an extra couple of Zolpidem to celebrate.
  14. Who wants to bet that after all that we’ll beat Arsenal dead easy
  15. Total game changer, not just in hisindividual performance, but in coaxing and chivvying his team mates onwards.
  16. I'd love to hear what Frank said at half time.
  17. Thanks to you all you lot for being such great wing men on this terrible ride through the valley of death and out again.
  18. The second half maybe, but the first half was SOUL AIDS.
  19. Lads, you're a ridiculous bunch of chiseling cunts - but well done. But please for the love of every God in the book NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. To all other non-toffees, referees VAR assistants, kopites and all the other cunts - GET FUCKED.
  20. He's trying to summon a waiter.
  21. I think he's sustained a bad knock there, one that'll keep him down for the next 3 minutes.
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