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Everything posted by Ian

  1. i think thats very funny
  2. David Hasselhoff went into his local bar and marched right up to Fred the barman. "Listen Fred ive been doing some thinking and i eh, well i dont want you guys calling me Dave or Mr Hasselhoff any more. You know am sick of it. I just wanna be known as The Hoff. Can you do that for me for me Fred?" "Just Hoff then huh?" "Absolutley" repiies David "Sure, no hassle"
  3. if madrid wont him (and i heard chelski do aswell) sadly i dont think he wil be running down the road to Goodison some how
  4. hes got the backin from the board sayin that even if they go down hes safe....im not so sure meslef....
  5. well its good to know my dreams have logic to them
  6. tlkin about that dream u had....... i had one last nite that we beat chelski 1-0! but robbie keane went to liverpool for 40 mill funny things dreams...
  7. Ian


    so thats where is then pat
  8. yeah he is 33, i dont no were i got 26 from! no to ashton, to similar to BT and not as good as him IMO. Keane would prob be cheaper aswell!
  9. u brought this on urself ur picky little RS
  10. good call irish and most importantly....he can score goals!!
  11. agree there licker, we need to get shut of teflon and its an ideal way...niemi is only 26 isnt he so i heard
  12. not good then!!! it will be good 4 him though, the young lad needs to gain experience
  13. never!!......cept when everyone thought gallas was play-actin when biffa butterd him, got a wee bit hatred but i cant remember a time when ive been goin when its been over the top, ive heard someone shoutin u blck bstard but i dont see how that differs from callin some1 a ugly, ginger bstard. However monkey chants and racist chants are unacceptable and thnkyfully has been delt with well in england, Everton one of the top clubs in doin so...now enough of this racism chat...lets just laught at the picture
  14. hes looked really sharp recently, i do think wer gonna see the best of him very soon and a few doubters will be proven very wrong
  15. Ian


    lets hope not!
  16. its feelin better now i dont think it is broken, it was just badly bruised
  17. you must have won the lotterey to be riskin that much!!!!!!
  18. i would sell, gives it his all but is never gonna set the world alight, we need to buy a striker before selling though
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