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Everything posted by Ian

  1. ive seen him a few times over the last few years, he looks a decent player (better then macca!!) a million sounds resonable, worth a chance i think
  2. great match, rooney and beckham where immense, as was everyone cept bridge and rio ferdinand..carragher has to start with terry in the world cup IMO
  3. welcome back mate, as u have seen we made our own assumtions of ur wearabouts...ladyboys etc my pc is cabbaged so if i go missin u know why..i shall return though
  4. i think he sed hes leavin....but hes 'threatened' that before and came back under another name, he'll just do that again
  5. no i dont....u see its an Everton site for evertonians, we dont mind a fellow blue having a bit of a rant which includes bad language...u are a RS...nuff sed
  6. now now dont swear, uve been warned before about using vulgar language, we wouldnt want u banned now would we
  7. perin, as ive sed in another post i think bruce has got the backin, madaric will get rid of his mother if it would help them win!
  8. why would u wont to make a topic like this?? i think z cars needs to have a word again
  9. i would prefer to see heskey playin for england of crouch!
  10. i think a pic of the hoff is in order.....
  11. oh its ok, ive just read the bottom, i dont read things properley
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