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marcus jones

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Everything posted by marcus jones

  1. Yes but we didn't have them did we? But besides the point, dominant build up play getting within and around the box and then sweet Fa happens!
  2. Then it was up to Moyes to see this happening and work with them on the training ground.
  3. Was Merse off the wagon? No really, I saw that too on SSN! What seemed to make Moyes take a step backwards in terms of attacking philosophy?
  4. Owen Coyle changed Boltons brand, Martinez changed Wigans brand, Moyes has changed our brand, they are more fluent teams than ours.
  5. Any one know his buy out value, just in case he's fairly good like?
  6. Do you really think Spurs fans want his brand of football?
  7. Yeah too right I'm worried,'' who's next to go in jan worried!''
  8. I bet the first thing Den will say to Nev during a game will be Oi Phill, por que demonios se agrupar la pelota me corresponde a mi? Roughly translated as Oi Phill, why the hell are you lumping the ball up to me?
  9. Gutted we still have Vic, when we get injuries looks like he will be our No 1 choice of forward! You seriously could not make this up!
  10. If its a free then he is for sale in January!
  11. We have let an old ruby gone but still got a young diamond in Felli, fuck me I thought he was the one to go if any!
  12. Yeah true Mogs, but he has had more positions than a Glaswegian tart!
  13. Surely DM has a plan in case of player X,Y or Z leaves? If not then poor planning on his part I say. And I admire Moyes so its hard for me to say so.
  14. If your right then we are in it up to the flaming necks!
  15. Thank God it did not involve a weigh in.
  16. Stop bumping your gums and wind yer neck in, GONE by the weekend?
  17. What, let leave your two best players and your best defender? Who said Jags better than Arteta?
  18. Better them 3 go than Jags, Felli and Baines.
  19. He looks like he might be off and the money to the bastard banks.
  20. Gignac off to Sunderland, rumour of Gyan off to France somewhere.
  21. Ffs this club could go down the pan, letting a two players go who we own and bringing in two we don't!
  22. Not a chance he's off pal, he's one of the old guard!
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