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marcus jones

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Everything posted by marcus jones

  1. Briggs, can't remember his first name though.
  2. Bugger off Louis, he's got to get Wales to a finals first!!!!
  3. What does ''World class'' mean to everybody? I always thought it was a starting line up in a world team. Seems like world class has a much wider player list than I thought.
  4. He played great today, distinct lack of pace but makes up for it with directness, needs to stop running down blind alleyways, but overall so good to have him back!
  5. After the 10 min of Vellios on the pitch, hell no!
  6. Yeah I noticed those! Ready to grab Gerrard around the throat young Royston?
  7. Mine went to Baines, this guy is just a monster, you watching Ashley Cole?
  8. Anyone thinks that Drenthe looks slightly overweight? Or am I being overcritical of the man?
  9. Don't like calling anyone nasty names, but this bloke, well lets just say I don't really like him very much.
  10. Well for starters none of us have managed Madrid or Chelsea!
  11. Yeah that's why he was amazing one game and then crap the next, nobody knew what the hell type of player would turn up, never mind what he would actually do!
  12. A lot more than anyone on this forum I guess Moggsy!
  13. Madagascar was never an option to Himmler and the rest of the '' top men of the SS'' let alone the Reichfurer, their fate was decided long before the start of the war.
  14. Why are we not promoting our academy around the world? Surely expats all over the world need to know their offspring are in the best possible hands.
  15. Pity Dunc did'nt stamp on the twat when the big man threw him to the floor in the derby game.
  16. Thought Britain was going to repatriate the Jews to Tasmania after WW2?
  17. Pity, other factors not counting, a decent player to be then? Assuming he can keep on the straight and narrow. Maybe Big Dunc can take him under his wing out in Spain? If not, perhaps some sense can be beaten into him instead.
  18. Yes, but we don't know! That's the bloody problem!
  19. My mistake, Allen only scored 33 league goals, bollox thought it was more.
  20. I always want England to do well, in every tournament they play. Yeah ok Spain are miles in front, but I really do think England's chance of being in a final is close, I mean really close. Cap will see that come the Euro's he will have worked out a system, got his tactics right and install a bit of fire in the belly.
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