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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. I keep hearing that he's going to Stoke. However, I don't see why he'd choose them over Everton if given the opportunity. More playing time at Stoke, maybe?
  2. Think he would get at least ten goals. Maybe not a clinical finisher, but he's definitely going to most shots on goal. Service is the question here though.
  3. I still have faith in Roddy unlike I do with Chebes. Just have a feeling that Rodwell is going to be a world-beater. I would love to have Johnson but not at the sake of losing Rodwell.
  4. 6th 1 Citeh 2 Chelsea 3 ManU 4 Arsenal 5 Spurs 6 Everton 7 Pool
  5. Personally, I'm just worried about his fitness. Good deal if he lasts most of the season and plays as well as he did in his last spell. I have high hopes, at least.
  6. I'm waiting to see if there are other signings. Still think we need a RW even though Naismith has arrived. Would also like to see a different RB. Just have a feeling that our right side will be exploited by other teams this season. I will say that I feel optimistic that Everton will have a decent first half of the season(finally) -- regardless if we get new signings or not.
  7. I have a feeling he is faking in court. He was studying neuroscience before he dropped out. Makes you wonder if he took a few pointers from some textbooks.
  8. I agree with you that we don't need another defender. At least not a CB!
  9. I'd like to think so. I believe it's possible, since the MLS basically acts as one team. Then again, I doubt the Galaxy or MLS would let Donovan go for a small fee. He's big for marketing reasons. I'm still not sure how the MLS works to be honest.
  10. Paul, I hope you're not talking to me regarding the "drama queen" comment. If anything, I was sticking up for pris but also understanding where Ryan is coming from based on my being American.
  11. I was being sarcastic by continuing the trend of popular sayings that involve having a good defense. Obviously, I feel that goals win games. Thanks for trying to enlighten me though.
  12. I have to admit I was a little offended hearing the "only in America" comment. All countries have their baggage. People tend to over-generalize about the USA, so I've become less affected by it as time goes by. Yes, we have a gun culture here. It's hard to overlook that, but people seem to forget how large and diverse the US population is. When you have more people -- and different kinds too -- you're bound to have more events like this happen. Regardless, what saddens me the most is that this focuses attention away from the actual tragedy. No one is perfect when it comes to being politically correct ALL THE TIME. Just hoping the families of the victims recover and can move on to living a normal life again.
  13. Just not sure about Pienaar for 5 mil... He can never stay healthy. Yeah, he had a great loan spell, but as a caveat to that, he hardly played at Tottenham beforehand. I don't think he could make it a whole season. I'd rather loan him in again. Age isn't too much of a factor to me, unless it involves an injury-prone player
  14. Good sign that he's a massive Everton. Definitely think we would see him in the squad a bit if he signed.
  15. Banjos would be hillbillies. Somehow, it's sad that I know this and am correcting you guys.
  16. Haha, clever. Some "rednecks" take offense to being called yankees. It stems from the Civil War between the North and South ages ago. I've seen some stupid arguments/fights over it before. People just can't let things go sometimes!
  17. Wish the home kit had a collar to match the Away/White kits. The alleged home kit looks like something I wore as a kid in the little leagues.
  18. Eh, regardless, just saying I hear it over here.
  19. It's always funny to me when I hear someone refer to Americans as "yanks" or "yankees." In the South, it refers to people who live in the North.
  20. Hear it over here, but more commonly use "shoot yourself in the foot."
  21. Been listening to some Rage Against the Machine lately.
  22. Swap Hugo for Vic? Yes, in a heartbeat... no, in less than a heartbeat. Please??
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