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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. I'd be surprised if Demps made it this way... Dempsey signing for the Toffees would be a dream come true!
  2. It's nice to see other Americans on the site. Welcome to the nicest Toffee site! I'm from deep-south Mississippi myself. Hope the weather is treating you right in MN!
  3. I rate Chandler. He looks to have a bright future. I think the same about Shea, but I don't think Everton needs a player like him for the time being. Dempsey is hitting the purple patch of his career.
  4. Likewise, I'm only seeing unconfirmed reports... what a shame. So happy that the fans were able to come together and respect the incident. Proud to be human.
  5. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/sport/football/4201593/Tottenham-v-Bolton-FA-Cup-tie-abandoned-after-Fabrice-Muamba-collapses.html Prayers be with the lad
  6. Kelly was good. I thought Suarez was decent, too. Simply put about Gerrard: he took advantage of his opportunities, even if they were more of the "tap-in" standard goals... credit where credit's due.
  7. Not sold on Moses yet, but I can definitely see the potential. I would rather have Hoilett.
  8. It's times like these that I'm glad I don't live in Liverpool. Seeing how our squad failed to even try.... I'll just say that it would drive me insane (can't imagine how natural Evertonians might feel). Luckily, my mates from England are from Ipswich, so at least they can't say anything about it. Very disappointed... really thought we'd could pull a win or draw from that game... instead we're settling for a 3-0 loss. 3 goals to nil just looks so demeaning. I'll put it this way. I'm trying to introduce one of my friends to Everton; let's just say that he was not a big fan after watching his first Everton game on the TV. The worst part about it is I talked them up as being at least hard-working when they're playing poorly. Yesterday's game made me somewhat of a liar.
  9. You made some good points in your write-up. Just out of curiosity, which club do you support?
  10. I have to say I agree with this statement, I hate that Gerrard plays for the reds... but I wish we currently had a "Gerrard." That, coupled with sure-fire tactics. A man can dream...
  11. I voted for Howard, because I'm American and didn't know who else to vote for. That's really my ONLY justification for voting. Disgusted with it all though.
  12. Heitinga. Would love to see him and Duffy more often. I'm really excited about Duffy even though he wasn't on last night.
  13. I would like to comment on this article by saying "wow": WOW. Man, a conspiracy theory at its highest.
  14. I'm going to say yes(depending on the wages as well).
  15. I would be happy about it. He has a good track record for scoring goals at his clubs. Especially Rangers. He seems to have a nose for goal, and I think if we can get the ball to him then he'll put it away.
  16. I have to say that I am very excited about this transfer. He looks to have a bright future. And he seems very pacey!
  17. I've never understood putting Cheebs on the wing!
  18. Honestly, I thought it was a mistake to sell Beckford. He didn't really get to show all of his ability. He had a decent first year in the premier league, and I think he would've played even better this year. Maybe it just comes down to Everton and the bank. I just think, considering the options that we have now at striker, that it wasn't a good strategic move. No use crying over spilled milk though.
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