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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. I would be extremely happy if Pavy was brought in. I always thought Redknapp should play him more.
  2. I do think Buddle is better than Denis, though I also like Denis. Buddle has proven himself on the MLS level several times. I'd compare the MLS to middle-tabled Championship teams (except I think LA would be at the top of the table), so he's at least been consistent. That said, I really would rather have a younger player that we can develop, but already has a lot of experience. Vellios is good for the future, but I think DM is looking for a quick fix to our striking woes... I don't think we'll find one within our budget.
  3. Watch Out! by Alexisonfire is one of my all-time favorites.
  4. "Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand. Just finished Orwell's "1984" and really enjoyed it. Huxley's "Brave New World" is next. Has anyone read The Hunger Games?? I hear it's a good read.
  5. My mom has kindle fire. She never puts it down.
  6. Bon Iver - Bon Iver Cut Copy - Zonoscope Between the Buried and Me - Colors
  7. I think the passes that Donovan is able to put in are perfect for Vellios.. would love to see these two connect.
  8. I'm a huge Packers fan... They are down 20-10 right now, but it looks like they are about to score... Don't know of any streams though.
  9. I'm with you on that. He's talsmanic, really. However, I think now is that last time that we'll at least get a decent fee for him. He'll always be one of my favorites, but I feel we need to refreshen the squad a little bit. I would be sad to see him in another shirt... I really hope it's not in the PL...
  10. Donovan, Doumbia, Scott Sinclair, Clyne(love the suggestion from above) and secure Drenthe to a new contract.
  11. Honestly though, I like him, but I'd prefer Everton to make an investment in someone younger.
  12. Not sure about Buddle. I think he would be good if the ball can get handed to him in front of goal... He's scored some cracking goals, but I don't know how he'd handle PL. He did well at Ingolstadt when healthy (sp?).
  13. I rate him. I would love if he came here. I just don't think he gets enough chances at Chelsea. I won't keep my hopes up though if salary is an issue.
  14. I think he can sign a pre-contract after he's six months away from his contract ending at Madrid.
  15. Donovan, for that pass to Vic. Completely destroyed the Villa back-line with that through ball.
  16. Getting a parking ticket the first day back at the university.
  17. Ugh. So he thinks that if he loses his speed, he'll sit on the bench? Well, that's besides the point, I want him to stay here. He's been brilliant this season.
  18. I rate John as well. He just went on loan to West Ham though. I thin it'll be a good experience for him. I really see him in the PL someday with his size and all.
  19. Jags, and none of the others. I couldn't handle losing the others. Jags is the oldest, and we have cover at defense. I'm even more confident after the Duffy debut.
  20. We'll just have to hope for the best... the best being we make a profit off him next year.
  21. I can't see it happening, though I'm sure Shea would take the first offer to the PL he received.
  22. I voted for Duffy on the small chance that he sees the statistics on TT and gains a bit more confidence in thinking he was man of the match after only 29 minutes.
  23. 50% - A team has failed to get a shot on target 6 times in the Premier League this season & 3 of those occasions it has been Everton. Blunt. From Twitter: OptaSports (@Optajoe)
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