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Posts posted by Avinalaff


    Jelavic did rack up an assist though. And showed some good movement. I think a manager should show the players the benifit of the doubt for a while. If he can get Jelavic going then why should he play a loanee instead? I wanted Lukaku to play to, and Deulofeu and also McCarthy aahead of Osman, but I understand why Martinez is hesitant to change the team that beat Chelsea.


    There's for's and against's for it.


    4:45PM will be the best judge I suppose. If either player has a good game do they keep their place though? We have Gibson, Lukaku, Kone, Pienaar, McCarthy etc etc who will all need their chances too, so at some point, an underperforming player must lose their place, and Osman will surely lose his.

  2. I dont think it makes him look weak when he lets the same players that beat Chelsea continue to play. I think it makes him look like a guy trying to give his players confidence.


    Would have liked to see Lukaku from start but im sure he will get 20 minutes or so.


    Not a great message to other players though Pete when you can play poorly all season and still get picked. We might have beaten Chelsea, but Osman was still poor, and Jelavic still failed to score. We have a squad for this reason and we should use it.

  3. I don't get how we'll see. On Monday I'll go online to vote, I'll enter my customer number, my vote will be accepted.


    But while we are busy playing nice, I'll put my brain in gear when you take your head out of your arse. We can all be friendly, no need to be a prick about it.


    Wake up mate. The "why don't we wait and see" was designed to diffuse the debate.


    How will you see? Create a fake account and see if your customer number works perhaps? or ... use the number on your e-ticketing account.


    It all reminds me of knit picking for the sake of it. If I said a said a lemon cost 80p one of you would say it actually cost 75p. It's not important. 10 goals 8 goals 6 goals. Who cares?


    My apologies if I hurt your feelings.


    But I find it frustrating, the club have very clearly said...


    "Those designs will then be put to a vote of all supporters with a valid customer number acquired through past ticket purchases or club membership..."


    So it's a complete non issue; you're getting all emotive ("hear you are outvoted by folk living in a far distant land who have never breathed the same air as another Everton fan, but stumbled upon them online, and followed them since via stream on the occasional Saturday they remember the match is on") based on a flawed premise.


    Accepted, but try to keep things in context.


    Read back from #229 and you'll see that the discussion about who should vote on club issues was a totally separate debate. The petition, and the amount of folk who signed it, was a spin-off conversation, and not necessarily connected directly with the voting for the new crest, as the club have already invited votes from fans with customer numbers.


    Therefore nobody is emotive, and nothing is flawed.


    ANYBODY can get a customer number in less than 2 minutes, and 'THAT' is my whole point. In my opinion, the vote should come from match going fans only, and not from the general fan base. Guys can debate that all they want, but it's just 'my' opinion on the matter, not a law. A guy in Outer Mongolia who stumbled across the club during our pre-season tour should not have the same vote as the guy who goes to both home and away matches without fail. As things stand though, he can simply register, and within minutes, cast his vote.


    It's not personal to overseas fans, but more a respect for the match goer.

  5. No chance, we were not battered at all... Rode our luck a few times yes but certainly didnt get battered. We came under the cosh as well but every team would at some period in the game.


    "Battered"... No chance Av not having that.


    All interpretations BB.


    I thought we'd done better until I watched the highlights. Maybe they just make it look particularly one sided, but I've never seen so many chances missed by a team at Goodison. Had they been more clinical we would have been in for a really bad day.


    All I can say is watch what I watched, and see if you still disagree.

  6. Borussia Dortmund reported having 500,000 member applications for tickets for last season's CL final. There will be a fair few armchair fans amongst that lot, some touts too no doubt.


    Benfica claim to have 14 million members around the world - the world's best supported football club, they claim. Plenty of their followers with dents in the sofa, there.


    Not going to the game or not being able to go to the game, for whatever reason, doesn't mean you care any less than those who haven't missed a game since 19 bow and arrow. It also doesn't mean those who don't go to the game aren't entitled to a vote about a crest (get me and I don't even fucking vote Liberal!).


    You can shove that tower, for my money. Who the fuck wants to be associated with what is now a stump of a structure which used to be used to lock up drunks until they sobered up? I don't and others might think I'm blasphemous about our heritage and that I'm not "on it" and "all over it" but they're going to have to tell someone who gives a flying fuck. It's a fucking ridiculous thing to have on any badge or on anything else and, the more I think about it, the next time I'm in Liverpool I'm going to have a shit on top of it!


    Game or no game. Shirt or no shirt. A follower is a follower and we have many. Keep pushing people away because they weren't there when we clinched the league in '68 against West Brom, weren't there at Oxford for 'that' back pass by Kevin Brock in '84, fell asleep shit-faced in an enormous concrete drain on Rotterdam docks and nearly missed your ferry home in '85 after celebrating your team's first European trophy and many, many more memorable and forgettable experiences before and after these dates and it will mean you're left with your history and your memories and no fucker will want to listen to you and why should they!? It's always some other bastard's fault!


    But at least we'll still have our fucking tower!


    Lol, I don't like the tower either, but it's got absolutely nothing to do with fan status and everything to do with making sure the votes go to Everton fans, and you can't do that by allowing a free voting spree on the web. What you 'can' do is make sure you sew the seeds to ensure those who want to vote register their details with you for your database, which is 'exactly' what the club are doing. It's a win win for the club, but highly unlikely any votes will make the slightest difference to any outcome. The club decide which crests they want you to vote on, and unless they're daft, 2 will be hideous and 1 will get the votes, thus ensuring their database gets full, and the fans feel they've had a say.

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