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Everything posted by Avinalaff

  1. Avins translation: I'm using tongue in cheek above Rubes, but people have feelings, and shouldn't be singled out in this way. It's wrong, and smacks of established well liked member cornering a newcomer who stood on your toe mate.
  2. It's the first letter of any reaction to his mod skills: OMFG, oh no, out of order, oh dear, onestly, on yer bike
  3. It's calling an individual member out to explain himself, and is wrong in so many ways. A passing comment in a discussion is one thing, but a dedicated thread?
  4. Martinez said there was no other contact didn't he?
  5. I'm gobsmacked this is allowed here :dont know:
  6. Thanks very much. Anybody else? :dont know: The admins are welcome to delete my account at any time if I'm expected to continue to bite my lip after the crap I've had to take on here lately. I don't log in to be abused and that's exactly what certain comments from a minority recently amounts to. Delete every post I ever made on here for what it's worth. I'm sure the contributions of blueboy and zoo will be more than sufficient to keep interest going. Heck, you could have amazing threads without me, like Zoo's bedtime story, an evening with Zoo, zoo fm, wake up with zoo, knowing me knowing zoo. Awesome. How dare I call a Scottish man Scottish.
  7. https://www.humblebundle.com/ This week is a must
  8. Very few teams go to those grounds and get a result, and we all know from experience that the top teams have been protected, and will probably be protected again. It's like a boxer fighting in the States against an American boxer. You really have to knock the guy out to win.
  9. Sounds cool. I always wanted to play Blues guitar in the States when I was young, but time waits for nobody as they say. I have a friend who now lives in Florida, and seems to like it. Are you going to take in the Everglades and those big things with big teeth?
  10. I don't as such. We just bitch slap each other constantly, and to be fair, he gives it out plenty, but you rarely see us actually fighting, which shows you that not everything is always as it seems. As for the mosque, it's ok. Art is thought provoking. It shouldn't be too serious. I wouldn't be called Avinalaff if I didn't have a sense of humour. Sometimes it can be my worst enemy though.
  11. I'd rather point him to the tradesman's entrance with the 'sweeper vacancy - must have own brush' notice hangs.
  12. Any better / worse ? Badges left deliberately big as they're not vector images.
  13. So, let me figure this one out. I state that we should have given Oviedo a chance, and also Anichebe. Dalziel, who has never watched an Everton match in his life, yet feels the need to tag on to a football forum armed with a history book and a 1950's cigarette card album for the sheer chat, totally disagrees with me. You then state that you totally 'agree' with DK, who disagreed with me, only to then reiterate everything I said regarding Oviedo and Anichebe? :dont know: This football stuff is confusing. I think one day DK was walking down the street and turned right, signed football, instead of left, signed Daleks and associated Dalek spotting equipment, and got carried along with the crowd.
  14. I only saw your post because I wasn't logged in (You are on ignore) , but you don't seem to have quoted the guy starting it by calling me a narcissist. Still, any opportunity for you to get a sly dig in. Now fade away again, and don't be calling me a bellend. I have kids older than you.
  15. What did you think of today's game Dalziel? Was there any specific incident that you didn't see that you would like to discuss?
  16. They're 'my thoughts' after 2 games Newty. Feel free to post 'your' thoughts.
  17. Try concentrating on watching your manners instead. You're out of order pal, so pipe down. I'm logging off now. Shame that a guy 7000 miles away can spoil my enjoyment of my local football team.
  18. So your contribution had an agenda then? Pathetic attempt to cause trouble. No baseball to watch?
  19. Would you mind fucking off. Don't call somebody a narcissist completely out of the blue for no reason what so ever and expect no reply. You might want to check yourself pal.
  20. Do one knobhead - I'm having a laugh with Bailey. ok mate?
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