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Wall Writer

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Everything posted by Wall Writer

  1. Shit, I spoke too soon. Great strike!! Edit: super turn aswell
  2. We don't seem to be getting a foot on the ball in this half.
  3. I think the ref blew for Cahill supposedly leaning on the defender (i cant remember who exactly). but the replay shows that the defender just stood there, Cahill not even touching him. The ball broke loose, and Cahill slammed it in the net. Don't really understand why it wasn't allowed.
  4. Yeah, I think we were really starting to get a grip on the game towards the end of the half there. Hopefully, the second half will see us capitalise more on our possession
  5. West Brom are playing a lot better than I thought they'd be. They're playing quite positively. I'm no sure about Jags' freekicks though!!!
  6. COYB..... Looking forward to this one....
  7. I read somewhere, on the OS I think, that we have (i'll try and quote here) "the best specialist in UK, Europe and America." The European one is Spanish, I believe, so it makes sense for Arteta to choose that one, I know I'd feel more comfortable having an operation with people around me speaking my language - I think it would also help in a more speedy recovery .I seem to remember that he went back to Spain for his last op, and I think he feels he can rest and recuperate there well. Good luck to him. I just hope he can get back for pre-season.
  8. Apparently the Mirror has said we're in for Moutinho for £10million. http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/200...15875-21156830/ I know it's the Mirror but for £10million I'd say that was a bargain.
  9. missed the first 20 mins (and both goals) but both sides looked a bit impotent tonight. Think Boro will struggle to break us down. Just hope we've got some our creative players back playing to their best. Can see us slotting in a brace, maybe a third in the final minutes.
  10. I can see your point - and over 20 million would obviously make one wonder. But taking into consideration that we have an up hill struggle as it is: We're not the most attractive club that people want to come to, and we also don't have the funds to make us seem more attractive. I just think that we'd be making a big mistake selling him and then hoping to find an equal or better replacement, as well as adding to the other areas of the field. I completely agree that it's a bit of pace up front/on the wing, and another creative midfield player that we need. But I don't think that selling JLo is the best option to fulfil that aim. I'd prefer to let Cheebes go, though of course we wouldn't get as much.
  11. I maybe jumping ahead of myself but there is nowhere we can go from here without trying to break into the top 4. We've consistently proved ourselves at least top 6 over the past few years, we should now be turning our attention to trying to get champions league spots. From this point of view I would say that those 5 teams now above us in the league, with the possible addition of City (I'm thinking of next season now) are our main rivals - either for a CL, or at least a UEFA Cup spot. To sell our best players to these clubs would amount to professional suicide. If we want to progress both on and off the pitch, consistent long runs in Europe is a must. OK, you may argue that 18million for Lescott would enable us to invest in other players in other areas of the pitch. But the fact remains that we'd be getting rid of one of our (and England's) best defenders, and most likely it'd be to the people who we are trying to compete with. We need to be keeping hold of all our best players, and trying to add more quality in areas where we are lacking.
  12. Is anyone still talking about Lescott around here????. : You'd have to be crazy to sell him. Many teams I'm sure would want him, but the only ones that would have enough money to buy him would be our rivals. And what's the point in giving the enemy one of your best guns? No matter what the price it's lunacy.
  13. Completely agree, but I'd still take someone like Moutinho. As I've said before, we still need someone else who can either add to or take over the mantel of creative hub when Arteta is out.
  14. I'm feeling a lot more confident having just read on the OS that Ossie and Peanuts could be back for the weekend. I think I'd still like to see Fellaini rested a bit longer, but I think having Jo and Saha up front with Cahill coming in from behind should be enough to threaten most defences. It'd be a toss depending on how fit Ossie and Peanuts are whether to start with them or Gosling & Rodwell. Feel we'll win this one comfortably 3-0
  15. Disappointing game. Feel we could have done better against 10 men, but as someone else said we did look a bit devoid of ideas at times. I don't know if anyone eles noticed but it seemed to me that referees have a bit of a disliking towards Fellaini - he seems to get booked or have a foul against him just for looking at the ball. Hope Mikee's gonna be alright.
  16. That was a disgusting tackle!!
  17. Is it me or does every signing we get linked to also get linked to Man City. Has Mark Hughes got a spy in our camp???
  18. I know there's a thread about him already but I was a bit too lazy to find it and kinda wanted to use this corny title. Davie was at the game on Wed, probably scouting him out, and I must say it was the first time I've really seen him play, but he looked quality - strong, pacy, good feet, can pass, looked like he's got a good work ethic, and I think he's the kind of player who could quickly fit in and hack it in the Prem. Some news today that we're looking at him, may cost 12 mil - but may also be interest from Man City. What d'you guys reckon. Love, Jo, Jak, Saha, Anichebe, Vaughan. I think we'd have to sell to buy him, I'd personally let Victor go. But to be honest, I can see City sweeping in on this one and offering him gallons of black gold.
  19. I think that's a good result for us. We're at home again, and we'll be playing a premier league team (not a "big four" mind). We'll know what we're playing against, I'd be a lot more nervous about playing a possible 'giant killing' side. Looks like it might be Chelsea, Arsenal, Manure, Everton in the semi's..... I gotta agree, isn't it the point that getting to the final means getting to Wembley.
  20. I picked Rodwell, could have chosen Arteta cos he had a great game too. But went for JR cos for a young lad, I think we've got a real top quality player coming through there. Scored a goal, and consistently turned up at the right places. Good game.
  21. I wonder if Anichebe has got his boots on the wrong feet!!!!
  22. I'd love to have Mouthino at Everton. I think he would give us that extra bit of creativity that we miss when Arteta is either out or not playing up to scratch. However on the other hand we've really struggled with strikers for over a year now. I still think we should have kept McFadden. What we need is someone with pace who can play up front but also do a job on the wing - preferably right. I think Pienaar and Baines do a great job on the left. I'd be really pleased if we could get Moutinho and a rightwinger/striker, but ultimately I don't think we'll have the funds. I'd let Anichebe go but that's probably it. We need to keep players simply to keep the numbers up and make sure we still have options, especially if we get into Europe again. Also, if I'm completely honest, I'd be really surprised if we got Moutinho, for sure he's waiting for a 'bigger' club to come get him. And if he is gonna be available in the summer, I'm sure that by the time we get off our asses and actually sign someone, it'll be the same old story of last minute deals and missing out on best players. We'd do ourselves a big favour, if we actually started now to plan for which players we're gonna sign in the summer, that way we'll be able to get the squad together early and hopefully have a better start to next season than we did this.
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