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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. Jags? What the F? Why not just head that back?
  2. Great touch Tim. That was a nailed on goal. Great block Jags.
  3. Did you see the run he made just before, then dropped to leave Willian stranded. Baines is just on another level.
  4. Don't be crazy, he's playing well and just scored a worldy... Stupid time to drop him! ;-)
  5. And to be fair, that celebration didn't look at all like he just wants out. Great all round.
  6. OK that was fking world class. What a finish Kev.
  7. So unlucky Ross. That's how close we are to being a great side. If these small margins turn our way we could climb fast.
  8. Lovely move and no better player to put it away.
  9. That was brilliant by Kev. Good shot too.
  10. He's prone to the odd head rush due to being young. Still one of our hottest property's though. And we would be making one hell of a statement if we kept him.
  11. Thought the same. We couldn't keep the ball at all. Within seconds of being on Peanuts held the ball and got fouled.
  12. Tim by a mile. Earnt us the point tonight. Besic wad superb also.
  13. Not this half. Gone to sleep a bit. Howards keeping us in this.
  14. Howard again. Good foot on that.
  15. Excellent half. Means nothing if we don't perform in the second though. I'm just happy to watch a team that is willing to lose in pursuit of a win against the big boys. Refreshing.
  16. Come on...even I could take a player on that falls over. Hardly takes skill haha.
  17. Bloody hell Besic is good. Saved us there.
  18. Another great run there. This time from Rom. Good stuff.
  19. That would have been special from Ossie. Great effort.
  20. Brave there Tim. Another good save.
  21. Why did Toure have a free header. Good save Tim. Unlucky there too lads.
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