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How Deep Is The Snow Where You Are

Jimmy the blue

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Just for a laugh and our North American friends can join in.


The British Isles have had snow fall everywhere for once and of course we struggle to cope these days. I'm in Maghull and the side walks are slippy because what little snow we have had has compacted. I will clear it away from the front of our house as we used to do years ago, if we all did the same there would be far fewer problems. Central heating means that cinders from the coal fires we used to have are not availble to sprinkle on the ground for grip.


So here we go I'd estimate that we have one inch of snow (old money measurement) not much but the media would make you think we need snowploughs


How deep is it where you are

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Zero, apart from a tiny dusting on the cars...but it's forecast for tomorrow and Thurs.


Was thinking earlier of all the times I went sledging as a lad....always knew the best places to go and we had enough snow at least once a year (and that was in the south-east, not Highlands of Scotland).


Now my lad's twelve and he's been on a sledge once. Winters ain't what they were :( .

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Guest efctaxi
Had about 2-3 inches here. The school I work at was the only bloody one in the area that was left open, until 12.30 when the head sent us all packing! WOO HOO!


Damn good of him to provide you with transport :P



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Couple of inches here in Norfolk,......schools shutting early or not even opening...PANIC in the streets, constant radio updates, KLFM (Kings Lynn radio station) even has a snow hotline in place.

Why the only people who are happy are the Russians and the Poles.......so that's 4/10 local people who are ok!


This isn't a bloody snow storm it's a light dusting......

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Zero, apart from a tiny dusting on the cars...but it's forecast for tomorrow and Thurs.


Was thinking earlier of all the times I went sledging as a lad....always knew the best places to go and we had enough snow at least once a year (and that was in the south-east, not Highlands of Scotland).


Now my lad's twelve and he's been on a sledge once. Winters ain't what they were :( .


The snow sucks now, I think I've been sledging twice when my grandad's house got snowed in. That was many years ago because I was around about 4 or 5. It's good to have had those experiances because the snow will never be how it was, its not thick anymore, its all papery and crap. It's hard to make a decent snowball nowadays.


It's getting thicker near us, but I woulden't say its anything to make us be snowed in. Ah, winter does suck.

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Hope you're all managing over there. Here we've had a lot of snow this winter - broken a 26 year old record through end Jan. None has fallen since Saturday, but the snowbanks piled at the side of my nicely shovelled driveway are around 5 feet high.


There's always one has to show off isn't there :lol: !

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Hope you're all managing over there. Here we've had a lot of snow this winter - broken a 26 year old record through end Jan. None has fallen since Saturday, but the snowbanks piled at the side of my nicely shovelled driveway are around 5 feet high.


We have a winner CT, I'd have put money on you mate, five foot is a lot of snow.



Is junior burried underneath or did he help you clear it :lol:

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43°C tomorrow (109°F in the old scale)... don't think we'll have much snow here... unless the bush fires get out of hand and then we'll have a lot of ash; which is kind of like snow.


Haha something similar here in Sydney, I don't think snow is coming anytime soon. But I am loving this hot weather :)

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Yeah, another couple of inches to add to the 6 inches we got yesterday, its more snow than i've seen in the last 10 years.


Make sure you and Josh wear a helmet if you go sledging Mike, A 16 year old girl went head first into a fence post around our way and was Killed outright, and a fourteen year old boy hit a tree and broke both legs.


A lot of fun can be had but peeps tend to forget it is a very dangerous pastime if you take it too lightly. Have Fun. :)

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Thanks Bill :) .


You can tell it's England rather than Canada because half an hour ago the power went off <_< . Couldn't get through on the phone to find out what was going on so I hatched a cunning and foolproof plan...


  • Up into the attic, search to find camping stove and gas bottle.
    Return to kitchen and assemble.
    Fill saucepan with water (forgot to get camping kettle out of attic and couldn't be arsed to go back up to find it).
    Light gas and place saucepan on ring.
    Power returns within approx three seconds :rolleyes: .

It was never in doubt :P .

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