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Fulham Playing Weakened Team

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See Fulham have gone down the Villa route tonight and made eight changes from Sunday.


Don't understand it personally.....you spend all season hoping for a European place (the peak of Fulham's expectation surely) and then don't bother to contest it properly.


Guess they need to keep players fresh for the league so they can try to qualify for Europe next year :mellow: .

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See Fulham have gone down the Villa route tonight and made eight changes from Sunday.


Don't understand it personally.....you spend all season hoping for a European place (the peak of Fulham's expectation surely) and then don't bother to contest it properly.


Guess they need to keep players fresh for the league so they can try to qualify for Europe next year :mellow: .


Maybe the goal of getting into the Europa League for them is just the money you get for qualifying and the couple of extra home games.

If that's the only thing they're going for then it makes sense to only focus on the league games. :).

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Was qualification for Europe necesarily their prime objective last season?

Ok it is seen as a kind of benchmark and something perhaps to strive for, but I feel sure that at the start of last season the management team were just looking to finish as high as possible in the Prem.

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