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Today At Rubecula Towers


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Had a bust up with the ISP. Long story but basically I am changing. So they decided to cut me off as of today. Not sure what time it will go down. I can't get back online until I get a new ISP (Sorted) and a new router. (Not sorted)


And the new ISP needs my mac number but to ensure I don't pay over the odds I have to wait for them to get in touch, next month.


and so on and so on.




Oh well I usually eff it up one way or another. But I can't stay with the lying gits who I am with anymore. I refuse to pay twice for a second rate service.

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Well I am not sure what has happened. I turned the computer on and the internet link icon was there on the screen. Just out of perverse stubbornness I clicked it and I am back online.... and I am not paying for it. :blink:


Dunno how long it will last, but I am not going to write to them and complain. :lol:

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Yes they really do mount up quickly when you are on a forum you actually enjoy. And I love this place. I was the same on Iggy's site. (Long since gone and sadly missed) But it was Iggy who introduced me to ToffeeTalk so I owe him one.

(You probably owe him a smack in the mouth for the same reason.LOL) :lol:

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Yes they really do mount up quickly when you are on a forum you actually enjoy. And I love this place. I was the same on Iggy's site.


Wasn't mine mate, just did my best (obviously not good enough!) to keep a small site going but it never really generated enough interest.

There were others came over this way (Blue 250 for example) at its demise but I have no idea what happened to most of them.


I found this place shortly before the death knell started and was hooked although as before, I am more of an onlooker than a participant, largely because I see no point in posting my views if someone else has already posted the same thing.




Edited by iggy
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Wasn't mine mate, just did my best (obviously not good enough!) to keep a small site going but it never really generated enough interest.

There were others came over this way (Blue 250 for example) at its demise but I have no idea what happened to most of them.


I found this place shortly before the death knell started and was hooked although as before, I am more of an onlooker than a participant, largely because I see no point in posting my views if someone else has already posted the same thing.


not sure i agree with that..an agreement is as good as a difference of opinion on here..might not get a debate goin but still always good to see someone agrees with you

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well the butler, (Cribbins) has just informed me that Rubecula Towers is back online. :blink:


This of course means I am back again. Sadly I think you will all need to don the armour plating and seal up the doors in case I escape. I am a wizard at making bazooka's out of wax crayons. (They have to be wax as they don't let me have sharp objects.) :lol:


Joking aside, I think I am back permanently. But lets just see how it goes. ;)

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