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Many Opinions. One Fact. We Are The 12Th Man. We Are Everton Fc!


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A week of comments. A wealth of opinions. A world of Mourinho’s.


The appalling and heartless defeat at Stoke has prompted a situation at Everton that has yet to rear it’s head through David Moyes’ reign.


We, as fans, are divided. There are countless opinions of what is right, what is wrong and what is best for our club.


Some of us have turned rapidly into Jose Mourinho. We ‘Special Ones’ know what is right for the club. We know David Moyes inside out; his strengths, weaknesses, his thoughts, his fears. We can all but read his mind. We should run the club ourselves.


Some of us blame the board. David Moyes is not the problem. Mikel Arteta is not the problem. Nor is Tim Cahill, Phil Neville, the groundsman, the kitman or the stewards. One man is sinking this ship; Bill Kenright. He can’t run a business, he can’t run a football club. We ‘Lord Sugars’ know people who want to buy this club, between us we know thousands. Of these thousands, the majority are billionaires, with a love for football and would die for Everton. These people are begging to buy this club; and will stay for the long term to make us Champions again. Bill Kenright just doesn’t like them. We know Bill is a kopite.


A few of us blame the players, although the majority of us don’t really watch the team. Mikel couldn’t get into Chesterfields reserves. Tim Cahill is a kangaroo with no first touch. Pieanar should be forced to sign a contract or kicked out of the club. Phil Neville is not captain material. We ‘Maradonnas’ should be playing centre midfield with that armband.


Personally, I like to think of myself as a combination of the three above persona’s; a sort of Lord Jose Maradonna. My personal opinion differs from minute to minute; it has in fact changed a few times whilst writing this article.


I have sympathy for Moyes due to the fact he has no money yet I am constantly frustrated by his reluctance to bring on subs until the final few minutes.


I have sympathy for Bill Kenright, who seems to be getting a lot of the stick from the fans at the moment but stays strong to hold out for the best deal for Everton. Yet I am sick of us having no money and seeing teams like Blackburn being ‘invested in’.


I have sympathy for the players who aren’t getting a fair crack at the whip. Yakubu plays the best football he’s played for 2 years and then get’s dropped. Beckford comes on and makes an impact but still doesn’t get a prolonged run in the team. Yet we have a good a sqaud and if your not playing at top form you should be dropped.


In looking back at the past three paragraphs, I have to re-consider one word. Sympathy? Sympathy for people on £20,000+ a week, it just doesn’t make sense. But I’ll leave it in.


At this moment in time, my opinion doesn’t really matter. Unfortunately, neither does yours. None of opinions matter at the moment, what matters is getting our club through this increasingly sticky patch.


I can’t remember the last time I looked down at a league table and worried if West Ham winning would affect us. This is a distant memory, thanks to David Moyes and his players, and is something I take pride in.


I’m pretty happy that we’re not a sell out club, like 50% of Premier League clubs are. I like my club to be an honest, hard-working club, with passionate fans, players and a passionate manager. We have this, and this is also something I take pride in.


Pride. That is what Everton Football club is about. Some of you think Moyes is ripping it out of us. That is not true; I will always be a proud Evertonian. Why? Because, everytime I get myself down to Goodison, I am surrounded by 40,000 other proud Evertonians.


We are proud to be blue. We are proud to have fought relegation like dogs of war. We are proud to have been the first to break the Top 4. We are proud to have reached the FA Cup final. We are proud of our players. We are proud we’re not kopites, mancs, or glory hunters!


Until now, I have been proud to support a club that always supports it’s servants. We only have to look across the park to see a club in shambles, with fan’s trying to force their manager out yet again. Let’s not do that. Let’s stick by Mr Moyes and stick by Everton.


On Wednesday night, I will be the 12th man, and I hope you will join me, because I need you, David Moyes needs you, Bill Kenright needs you and the 11 players on the pitch need you. Everton FC well and truly needs you to stand up and be counted right now. We as fans, can turn this club round, and we as fans have a duty to do so after a very quiet season.


Let’s deafen Spurs and turn them over. Let’s chant song’s that have rarely been heard at Goodison this year and let’s turn Goodison back into the fortress we all know it can be. Opinions may be divided, but 40,000 must be united to get through this patch. We make this club, not the players, not the manager - the fans! So let’s show Spurs what we’ve got and remind the players, the manager and the chairman just what Everton FC is all about!

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A first post asking us to bury our heads in the sand to the problems that surround this club. Yeah, really fantastic.


Said it was a good 1st post, i didnt say everything he said was right. :P


Dave Richman and his Everton Schism is just as flawed.

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It's still a :wind up: if you're asking me, for many psychological reasons. :fishing:

He's winding up a lot of people then...on Toffeeweb and NSNO...before here, maybe others by now.


Has anyone heard from this guy before? Strange to register in several places with no history and post the same thing multiple times.


Is Ricky Ian Ross (or similar) in disguise would be my question ;) .

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Its not about burying our head its about getting behind and supporting the team and hopefully getting us a much needed win!



I'm not being funny but I manage to talk about what's wrong with the club atm and still support the team on a matchday, it's really not that hard to do and I don't need some random poster acting all high and mighty telling me how I should and shouldn't support Everton.

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The Pycholigical Factors In This wind Up,


1. The log in name of 'ricky8r' pertains to someone with an unertone of controversy and confliction. As in shirts seen at the game 'I8Mancs', translating as 'I Hate mancs'. This individual has a thing against a 'ricky', 'richard' or whatever and feels safe enough to carry off the name within an internet forum. Rather like the shirt wearers who feel safe enough to wear 'I8Mancs' shirts at home games but not where they can be recognised such as at Old Trafford or Eastlands. Also the time of the post was 3.17am, indicating either a nocturnal animal having the skills to post on an internet forum or a bored individual who has received a new i-pad or something similar for christmas.


2. Most people using internet forums use a log in name that has some indication of themselves or what they are representing such as 'the beard', 'Bill', 'Romey 1878', 'MikeO', 'Jimmy The Blue', 'Bluenoseyankee' or have clever thought out names that will mean something unique to that person such as 'Holystove', 'GalacticAracnid'. 'ricky8r' indicates none of this.


3. Most first time users would start in forums at a gentle pace, either by introducing themselves or with a one or two line comment. Even if someone had the confidence to throw themselves into a rant with their first post they would start with "I know this is my first post but............." or " I am new to this site but excuse my long winded rant......" etc etc.


4. The general spelling is fine except for the constant wording of 'Kenright' instead of 'Kenwright'. This indicates that the person is not entirely clued up on their subject. Granted when typing fast some errors do occur, I am guilty of that and another regular poster on here regularly types 'Moyse' instead of 'Moyes' but that can be contributed to fast typing. The fact that most of the spelling and grammar is fine, again apart from the misspelling of 'Pienaar' which has been spelt with one 'a', may indicate that the whole article has been lifted from elsewhere.


5. When seomeone is berating or unhappy with someone they will often use the surname or full name to indicate this and to get the relevant point across, it's a natural part of the human psyche. 'ricky8r' uses the term 'Mikel' when saying he would not even get in Chesterfield's reserves. Most people would have said 'Arteta', 'Mikel Arteta' or even 'Mikey', as he is known by many on this forum, couldn't even get in chesterfield's reserves.


6. To say that Evertonians are proud to have staved off relagation and played in an FA Cup Final, shows the guard being dropped after such a long post and indicates that this, is in fact belittling and celebrating under-achievement.


There are more simpler examples, such as we all knowing that 'Kenright is a red' but for now I shall rest my case. B)

Edited by The Beard
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I'm not being funny but I manage to talk about what's wrong with the club atm and still support the team on a matchday, it's really not that hard to do and I don't need some random poster acting all high and mighty telling me how I should and shouldn't support Everton.


Agreed - I think the post is being taken up wrong is all I am was getting at, as I said the first part is gibberish the second part I can see what he/she is trying to say about getting behind the team I dont think it is trying to say not to moan or how to support our team - we can agree to disagree on that one :rolleyes:


PS Beard you should be on criminal minds with your psycho profiling..

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Wow! You guys really think this is wind up article!


Haha! That tells me one thing about you, one thing that is expressed in the first half of the article; You think you know it all.


I am a genuine Everton fan; a season ticket holder, and believe it or not, there are some positive Evertonians out there!


Let me just counter your 'Pycholigical' (and you say my spelling is an issue) reasons for me being a wind up. P.S. If your have a big ego, please don't read, as these next few lines are likely to destroy your whole 'he's a wind up argument'


Firstly, to MikeO... I have recently opened a lot of new user accounts on various websites after reading an article on BBC 606. This is a site I regularly use. I read an article from an Everton fan saying he would rather we get beat tonight so Moyes gets the sack. That prompted me into writing this article, for BBC 606. After posting it, there was almost no response - not many blues go on BBC 606, so I decided to post in on more relevant sites. i.e. Everton fan forums. Hope that is ok with you.


Right, now back to Sigmund Freud and his psychological reasons:


1. Ricky8r... My user name for almost everything... Due to the fact that my name is Ricky, and when I was younger (the time I opened my first hotmail account - Ricky8r@hotmail.com), my lucky number was 8 :)

1(B) Nocturnal... Yes, I'd be up all last night doin uni work. However, I didn't write this article then. I just copy and pasted it from the article I posted on Grand Old Team, over 2 days ago now.


2. Most people... Know it all strikes again. Sorry 'The Beard', is my name not in your rule book? Shall I change it, just for you. I don't like Beards, fancy changing your username?


3. Most people... Same as above... I am almost sorry that I don't pertain by your rules in your idealistic world. Almost.


4. The spelling of Kenright/Kenwright, Pienar/Pienaar... a little bit of childish comment to pick up on, don't you think. I mean, as previosuly stated, you are master of psychology yet you can't spell psychological. In a more dignified defence of my spelling of the above names; I do not claim to be an expert. I am not a regular forum poster and article reader. Hence, is it sooooo shocking that I have slightly misspelled these names, as I'm sure a lot of first posters would?


5. Mikel vs Arteta... Know it all strikes again... My girlfriend has a Psychology BSc yet she doesn't think she knows it all. I study psychology as part of my MbCh, yet I don't think I know it all. Suppose, that's just because we're not as good at it at you. In fact, maybe you are right, maybe I am a 'wind up'. Maybe I'm not just an Evertonian trying to rally his fellow fans. Or maybe your wrong? You make up your own mind, Mr Right!


6. Belittling... No, may belittle you, but we have already established that you are a little bit childish (with your last post). That is our history, and I for one am proud of it. I'm sorry if your not. Want me to change my mind again?


The smaller matters.... hit me with them. Kenwright as a red was a blatent exageration of the truth by a persona created in the article. It was to emphasise how ridiculous the 'Lord Sugars' (the know it alls) sound. Suprised you never got onto that one Mr Freud.


P.S. Have you actually studied Psychology? Genuinely interested to see if this is the case.

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I'm not telling anyone how to support the blues, or to keep their mouth shut. I'm just expressing my opinion. I believe, it would be best for us to support the team during the 90 minutes.


Just trying to show you guys that there are some positive blues still out there.

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If your have a big ego, please don't read, as these next few lines are likely to destroy your whole 'he's a wind up argument'


Firstly, to MikeO... I have recently opened a lot of new user accounts on various websites after reading an article on BBC 606. This is a site I regularly use. I read an article from an Everton fan saying he would rather we get beat tonight so Moyes gets the sack. That prompted me into writing this article, for BBC 606. After posting it, there was almost no response - not many blues go on BBC 606, so I decided to post in on more relevant sites. i.e. Everton fan forums. Hope that is ok with you.

Plenty of big egos here, but not fragile ones so it'll take more than that to destroy them :lol: .


I still think it's a bit strange to feel the need to post in so many places at the same time.....I've written stuff on here I'm quite proud of once or twice but I've never felt the need to contact the whole of the Blue World with my wisdom.


Having said that of course it's all right with me....I'm broadly in your camp anyway :) . Stick around and contribute some more....and feel free to psychoanalyze (checks spelling) all you like.....there's a whole thesis to be found among some of our members :lol: .

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Wow! You guys really think this is wind up article!


Haha! That tells me one thing about you, one thing that is expressed in the first half of the article; You think you know it all.


I am a genuine Everton fan; a season ticket holder, and believe it or not, there are some positive Evertonians out there!

Let me just counter your 'Pycholigical' (and you say my spelling is an issue) reasons for me being a wind up. P.S. If your have a big ego, please don't read, as these next few lines are likely to destroy your whole 'he's a wind up argument'


Firstly, to MikeO... I have recently opened a lot of new user accounts on various websites after reading an article on BBC 606. This is a site I regularly use. I read an article from an Everton fan saying he would rather we get beat tonight so Moyes gets the sack. That prompted me into writing this article, for BBC 606. After posting it, there was almost no response - not many blues go on BBC 606, so I decided to post in on more relevant sites. i.e. Everton fan forums. Hope that is ok with you.


Right, now back to Sigmund Freud and his psychological reasons:


1. Ricky8r... My user name for almost everything... Due to the fact that my name is Ricky, and when I was younger (the time I opened my first hotmail account - Ricky8r@hotmail.com), my lucky number was 8 :)

1(B) Nocturnal... Yes, I'd be up all last night doin uni work. However, I didn't write this article then. I just copy and pasted it from the article I posted on Grand Old Team, over 2 days ago now.


2. Most people... Know it all strikes again. Sorry 'The Beard', is my name not in your rule book? Shall I change it, just for you. I don't like Beards, fancy changing your username?


3. Most people... Same as above... I am almost sorry that I don't pertain by your rules in your idealistic world. Almost.


4. The spelling of Kenright/Kenwright, Pienar/Pienaar... a little bit of childish comment to pick up on, don't you think. I mean, as previosuly stated, you are master of psychology yet you can't spell psychological. In a more dignified defence of my spelling of the above names; I do not claim to be an expert. I am not a regular forum poster and article reader. Hence, is it sooooo shocking that I have slightly misspelled these names, as I'm sure a lot of first posters would?


5. Mikel vs Arteta... Know it all strikes again... My girlfriend has a Psychology BSc yet she doesn't think she knows it all. I study psychology as part of my MbCh, yet I don't think I know it all. Suppose, that's just because we're not as good at it at you. In fact, maybe you are right, maybe I am a 'wind up'. Maybe I'm not just an Evertonian trying to rally his fellow fans. Or maybe your wrong? You make up your own mind, Mr Right!


6. Belittling... No, may belittle you, but we have already established that you are a little bit childish (with your last post). That is our history, and I for one am proud of it. I'm sorry if your not. Want me to change my mind again?


The smaller matters.... hit me with them. Kenwright as a red was a blatent exageration of the truth by a persona created in the article. It was to emphasise how ridiculous the 'Lord Sugars' (the know it alls) sound. Suprised you never got onto that one Mr Freud.


P.S. Have you actually studied Psychology? Genuinely interested to see if this is the case.


To answer you in kind,


The sentence emboldened, count me in.


Points 1 and 2. You can change your name to Pogophobe and I won't have my ego shattered, bruised or knocked, or maybe, after such an auspicious start I should change mine to 'ricky8r' or Sigmund, although Frasier has a nice ring to it.


3. If you observe most, and in most of my post I use the word most, people who use internet forums use a name as I exampled. If you are a genuine 'Ricky' then my explanation makes sense. Also I never said anywhere I know it all. Just don't let that shatter your illusions.


4. Commenting on mis-spelling is hardly childish, after all you commented on mine but failed to take into account my explanation of fast typing, especially for those have never undertook any keyboard training or too old to have used a keyboard regularly during their education. Further to point three, I never decreed that I was a Master of Psychology.


5. See points 3 and 4, regarding knowing it all, however I will agree that you are not as good as me (so far no ego shattered).


6. I am proud of what we have achieved not what we haven't or shouldn't have achieved.


I am now pleased you are spelling Kenwright correctly although 'blatent exageration' needs some work but I don't want to sound childish, again, so I won't mention it.


p.s. To answer your own p.s. the answer is yes and if you stick around long enough maybe we can swap some anecdotes.

Edited by The Beard
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