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Stupid fans last night


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Was going to post that.


Fans chanted 'murderers' and 'justice for the 96' at police after the game


West Yorkshire Police says they made seven arrests following a stand-off between Everton fans and officers during and after last night's Capital One Cup clash at Elland Road.


A group of Blues fans chanted "Justice for the 96" and "Yorkshire Police, murderers" outside the ground after the match, which saw the Blues knocked out 2-1.


Video footage has emerged on Youtube, showing the Everton fans chanting, with officers in yellow jackets forming a line in front.



Police dismissed claims that they had been heavy-handed. A spokesman said:


"The match was not a high risk fixture as there is no history of problems between the two clubs and was policed as a category B fixture as a large crowd was expected for a mid-week fixture.


"The crowd of 21,000 were very well behaved and what trouble occurred was isolated and attributable to the actions of a small minority of visiting supporters numbering no more than 50.


"This group were identified by the travelling Merseyside Police football intelligence officer as being known members of a risk group.


"The isolated incidents that occurred were as follows:


· A white double decker bus was origninally booked by this group purporting to be visiting the Dewsbury Rams Rugby League ground. When the fans got on the bus, the driver was then directed to Elland Road but the fans alighted before reaching the stadium


· About a dozen of this group are then believed to have entered the Peacock Public House opposite the stadium and chanted provocatively before being ejected from the premises. One man was arrested for public order offences


· During the match, a number of smoke bombs were let off in the West stand, which following the use of the stadium CCTV, led to the identification and arrest of one man.


· Following the match, the same group who had entered the Peacock public house gathered in the West stand car park and again chanted provocatively amongst a congested crowd that were dispersing in an orderly manner. They were dispersed by officers assisted by stewards of the club.


"In total 7 arrests were made during the course of the match event. The above incidents are not out of the norm for high profile football matches.


"As is our usual practice, our football banning order unit will be reviewing any footage in conjunction with colleagues in Merseyside police with a view to considering football banning orders.


"We are also happy to make our footage available to the Football League should they wish to review any of the behaviour of fans on the night."




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I was reading about this on a rival site earlier, and didn't get much further, after reading one response of 'Horrible Leeds this and that, North Yorkshire this and that'. Fuck me, the city is in West Yorkshire, and even after being told about a half dozen times still wouldn't accept it. We had trouble with Leeds in the 1960s with the fine side of Catterick, and some quite intense meetings, but they have died down significantly since then. I don't really remember any serious altercations recently between supporters other than a bit of nonsense last night mentioned. And only, 21000? Elland Road holds almost double that, but apparently the weather was foul, and it was a midweek night game when many would have had to be active next day .


Manager Warnock said 'This (the result) was my finest achievement for being a manager' (ever). That's not really true, there was some much bigger results than this for Warnock with other clubs going back far enough. Either Mr Warnock had a moment of amnesia or simply got a bit carried away with the nights events.

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So called fans ?


Dont beleive everything you read in the papers! I was one of those " so called fans" at the Leeds game. I am 45 years of age and I have followed Everton home and away all over Europe ever since I was a schoolboy. My only previous was getting a parking ticket outside the Arkles


Did I really need to be searched 4 times in the space of 400 yards outside the ground? Did I deserve to be hearded like cattle and pushed, shoved and hit coming out of the ground?


I missed the first 20 minutes of the game due to their ridiculous methods, why wasnt kick off delayed with so many Evertonians still outside the ground?


Yorkshire Police blame innocent fans, hmmmm sound vaguely familiar


The policing / stewarding was an absolute joke before, during and after the match.

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Dont beleive everything you read in the papers! I was one of those " so called fans" at the Leeds game. I am 45 years of age and I have followed Everton home and away all over Europe ever since I was a schoolboy. My only previous was getting a parking ticket outside the Arkles


Did I really need to be searched 4 times in the space of 400 yards outside the ground? Did I deserve to be hearded like cattle and pushed, shoved and hit coming out of the ground?


I missed the first 20 minutes of the game due to their ridiculous methods, why wasnt kick off delayed with so many Evertonians still outside the ground?


Yorkshire Police blame innocent fans, hmmmm sound vaguely familiar


The policing / stewarding was an absolute joke before, during and after the match.


Who were the guys who hired the double decker?

That was who I referred to. Sorry to hear you weren't treated well though.

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Dont beleive everything you read in the papers! I was one of those " so called fans" at the Leeds game. I am 45 years of age and I have followed Everton home and away all over Europe ever since I was a schoolboy. My only previous was getting a parking ticket outside the Arkles


Did I really need to be searched 4 times in the space of 400 yards outside the ground? Did I deserve to be hearded like cattle and pushed, shoved and hit coming out of the ground?


I missed the first 20 minutes of the game due to their ridiculous methods, why wasnt kick off delayed with so many Evertonians still outside the ground?


Yorkshire Police blame innocent fans, hmmmm sound vaguely familiar


The policing / stewarding was an absolute joke before, during and after the match.


You missed the first 20 minutes.............................you didn't really miss that much, lucky git, some people had to watch the whole matchsad.png

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Who were the guys who hired the double decker?

That was who I referred to. Sorry to hear you weren't treated well though.


I have no idea and I never saw or heard any sign of them



Incidentally though Dunc, were you also one of the guys shouting the odds?


Would it matter if I was?? These people are meant to be trained professionals, they will have done hours of training to prepare themselves for these type of situations and will have faced much more than a bit of goading in their role play exercises , I know because I have done the training in the armed forces, and if a bit of name calling is enough to provoke the reaction I witnessed then its a piss poor state of affairs


As it happens, no I wasnt shouting the odds, coming from the background I do I tend to have a healthy respect for authority


You missed the first 20 minutes.............................you didn't really miss that much, lucky git, some people had to watch the whole matchsad.png


Yeah true, every cloud has a silver lining and all that! Hopefully it will be the last time I ever see Mucha in an Everton shirt so its not all bad

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I have no idea and I never saw or heard any sign of them





Would it matter if I was?? These people are meant to be trained professionals, they will have done hours of training to prepare themselves for these type of situations and will have faced much more than a bit of goading in their role play exercises , I know because I have done the training in the armed forces, and if a bit of name calling is enough to provoke the reaction I witnessed then its a piss poor state of affairs


As it happens, no I wasnt shouting the odds, coming from the background I do I tend to have a healthy respect for authority




Yeah true, every cloud has a silver lining and all that! Hopefully it will be the last time I ever see Mucha in an Everton shirt so its not all bad


I didn't think you would have been to be honest.


If fans want to behave like that, then they deserve all they get in my opinion, as half of them only behave like that because they expect to get away with it. A good truncheon up the arse would probably be the best thing for them.


The main reason I and loads of others stopped going to games, other than the obvious adult responsibilities and cost, was because of the dickhead mentality that turns normal lads into tribal Neanderthals every Saturday (or Tuesday night), and I think many would have the same opinion.


For me, act normally, and expect to get treated respectfully, but act like dickheads and folk can hardly complain when they get a kicking. Part of the problem is that the dickheads don't realise they're dickheads, because they think it's ok to do what they're doing.


It clearly isn't.

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I didn't think you would have been to be honest.


If fans want to behave like that, then they deserve all they get in my opinion, as half of them only behave like that because they expect to get away with it. A good truncheon up the arse would probably be the best thing for them.


The main reason I and loads of others stopped going to games, other than the obvious adult responsibilities and cost, was because of the dickhead mentality that turns normal lads into tribal Neanderthals every Saturday (or Tuesday night), and I think many would have the same opinion.


For me, act normally, and expect to get treated respectfully, but act like dickheads and folk can hardly complain when they get a kicking. Part of the problem is that the dickheads don't realise they're dickheads, because they think it's ok to do what they're doing.


It clearly isn't.



I can completely understand where you are coming from and I and I agree 100 % with the statement Ive highlighted, however that was not the case at Leeds


The policy on the night seemed to be " lets assume we are dealing with a 5000 strong mob of hooligans and lets stick the boot in first to let them know who is boss".


For me the trouble was a result of the police handling

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another part of the problem is that it isn't always just the dickheads that get a smackin

I got shoved in the back at Millwall for fuck all. The crowd were singing (football chants, nothing malicious) at other fans across the station on a bridge (no way of actual confrontation) and the police decided to herd us up like cattle rather than let the crowd continue naturally on to the train 100 meters away so avoiding the crowd from becoming hostile.

In general I've found policemen are bully victims with chips on their shoulders and authority junkies that crave respect, but do very little to earn it. Rather ex-military men took over as they have discipline and more common sense (not saying this would be a perfect solution, but surely no worse than the current lot).


Manchester police take incompetence to another level, cba explaining why, but feck me the Manc force is a shambles. Burns my head to even think how half of them get hired.

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didnt maggie use the military during the miners strike but in police uniforms.

Dunno, the Olympics used them for security this year and I've seen them fill during firemen strikes and they've done a great job. I'm not even a huge fan of the military, but anything would be a step up from the current system.

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It's easy to knock the police, but it's foolhardy to forget that there are over 130,000 in England and Wales alone, and each is a different person with a different opinion. I think when folk need the police, they appreciate them, but the same silly blanket statements exist.


We've all met an ass of a copper, and we've all met a nice one. I certainly wouldn't want to be dealing with some of the thugs they do on a daily basis, and folk forget that when they act like dickheads in gangs or crowds, that those coppers are young lads, and probably very uncomfortable.


I remember getting off the train once as a kid, and being told to join the long queue of Chelsea fans waiting for the busses to the game, instead of being allowed out of Lime St. I didn't realise they were fans at the time, as I was young and naive, and thought they were simply passengers, but each time I asked the copper why I had to stand there, I was told "Because he said so" and was even searched.


He obviously thought I was a football fan, and didn't have the nounce to realise I had a local accent, and was a general passenger. He was a proper gobshite, but looking back, he was probably nervous and uneasy, hence not thinking straight. I certainly wouldn't brand all football coppers the same though.


The thing to note is that when you see them, they're working, and if they weren't there, it would be one f*cked up country.

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The thing to note is that when you see them, they're working, and if they weren't there, it would be one f*cked up country.

Arguable, I favour the more anarchistic view. I prefer communities to use their common sense and root out the runts, but there is a lack of common sense as the country is full of greedy slime balls, that are protected by the state.

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