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Everything posted by JoeQuince

  1. Get Pienaar off of the pitch.
  2. We're half asleep. No urgency. It's going to leave us in a nice hole.
  3. I just want to punch Pienaar lately.
  4. Playing lazy as shit. Losing so many 50/50 balls.
  5. Eh, this may have been on Howard, anyhow. No communication.
  6. What was Heits doing?
  7. Now, you know that won't be the case. We'll be lumping it to Marouane Crouch all day.
  8. Such a disappointing team today. I feel Barkley really earned his place this week. And Jelavic deserves a shot after Vic's showing on Tuesday. That, and Vic looked injured at the end there.
  9. Haha this isn't something that happens too often. But if any of you are associated with anthropology departments or programs that focus on South Asia, you're welcome to pressure them to pay for my trip. Any loosely academic excuse for me to leave the US and catch a match will do. It makes my absence slightly more justifiable to my lady.
  10. Looks like I'll be crossing the pond in May, due to being invited to speak at University of London. I'll be there from the 21st through the 26th. Are any of you guys in London? Would you want to meet up for a beer/several beers? And, where would be a great place to watch the Champions League final? I'll be near University of London/Soho (my knowledge of London's geography is shit).
  11. Jags. Coleman in a close 2nd. But Jags really kept it under control from the back today and did a few things going forward, as well.
  12. Welp, at least it's another clean sheet!
  13. Oviedo needs more than 30 seconds next time, Davey!
  14. ...and the token Naismith sub
  15. WHY is Barkley, not Anichebe, coming off? Moyes want Cheebs hurt?
  16. I think it's safe to say Barkley is proving himself...
  17. Cynical block? Or Walcott looking for a lot of contact?
  18. Mirallas. That move!
  19. hahahaha Cheebs better watch it!
  20. Felli.... What the fuck?
  21. Barkley isn't fucking around today! We're playing hard, and I love it.
  22. JoeQuince


    Anichebe is working well, but his passing has been mostly horrendous. He should have definitely set up Mirallas on that great run he made.
  23. Baines. Worked so hard today. Had an amazing game.
  24. What the fuck has to happen for Oviedo to get a game??? Still optimistic for today, but this is getting on my fucking nerves.
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