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Everything posted by JoeQuince

  1. That cunt Arfield should've been off in the fucking first half. The ref gave them every opportunity to win this game. We happened to make a few errors that allows that to happen. They were all over us, yet we were equal in fouls. Joke of a game. I hate to come off like a purist, but Burnley didn't play football today.
  2. They know we're soft and they know they can't match us for quality, so they're bullying us. It's going to work until we give as bad as we are getting.
  3. What shit. We should be up a few. They're putting us off our game and they know what they're doing.
  4. Fuck these cloggers, trying to foul us off the park. Also, Jags needs to get his clock cleaned.
  5. Well, this game has been poorly officiated thus far.
  6. May as well be the Micronesian second division, if you ask me. Shite football in Italy...
  7. We need to specify an adequate sample size first. Anyhow, this is a meaningless exercise.
  8. Great point away. Great spirit shown today, and everybody owes Stekelenberg a beer. Securing a point away to sides like City is a big part of what we need to do to keep ourselves competing for European places.
  9. Huerlho Gomez for Watford against West Brom last season
  10. Someone punch Coleman and Jags for that throw routine next time you see them
  11. Maybe Barkley for Bolasie, actually. Wouldn't mind Kev for Clev though.
  12. Feel like we should bring on Barkley for Clevs. Could use his energy and strength right now.
  13. Well, that was bound to happen. Stek is still MOTM. Let's get out lead back. COYB!
  14. HOW MANY PENS WILL STEKKERS SAVE?!?!? I'm crying laughing right now!
  15. How many needless pens will Jags give away today?
  16. Gueye very frustrating today. Excellent defensively, but absolutely shit in possession.
  17. Gerry has to have been offside at least 5 times today. We're looking a little bit better though, so far.
  18. I think taking off a winger (Gerry) for Barkley would be good. We looked better once we sucked the wingers inside into midfield. I'd also replace Oviedo with someone who can defend, because I don't see our back four crossing midfield too often today.
  19. Gerry has to start staying onside. He's had a few that there were no good reason for.
  20. I don't think we are playing poorly at all. I just don't think we were tactically ready for this crazy fucking formation they put out today. This is a shit penalty to give away. Stupid from Jags. STEKKERS!!!!
  21. I would also maybe think about changing the formation and packing the midfield.
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