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Everything posted by JoeQuince

  1. Of course the players play a part. They didn't implement his SHITTY FUCKING PLAN well enough, I guess. You can't leave gaps like that between defense and attack, leave your wingers out wide, and expect aimless balls up to a striker to be picked up by a goddamn defensive midfield player. Shocking tactics.
  2. Koeman better not blame the players for this one. He set us up to lose.
  3. We've needed to change this shit from the beginning of the game, when it was clear that we couldn't string 3 passes together. Barkley... Still not on.
  4. Knew this was coming. We've had the ball for about 39 seconds this half. Running around like we're defending under Martinez. Fuck this
  5. Geri is an immensely talented player. But, his insistence upon doing everything in the most difficult way possible really does my head in. Never takes the sensible route.
  6. Watching all these crosses, it feels like 2010 again. Oh, look. We did something through the middle. Offside.
  7. Behrami is puking out there. That woke me up on my Saturday morning.
  8. McCarthy needs to get the fuck out of there. And I'm sick of watching us play with two wingers while we have giant fucking gaps between defense and our forward line.
  9. Good goal from Watford. It's amazing that we have seven defensive players plus a keeper, and they are running over us like we're playing with 10 strikers.
  10. Yeah. The only way we're scoring with this formation is if they do something even sloppier than us. Good ball from Barry and nice finish from Rom, but never should've had the opportunity.
  11. This is such shit. We aren't playing terribly. But, we are set up terribly.
  12. Looks like McCarthy is that number 10 we've been crying out for...
  13. Agreed. It's not only unbecoming. It's also dangerous to have betting intertwined with the game. The Chang deal is uninspiring, but I'd rather not wear a shirt advertising a gambling site.
  14. It's both. We've had massive gaps between our front and back lines throughout our slide. But, we've also had a bunch of lollygagging players on the pitch lately. It wouldn't be so bad if the players we've been starting out wide played a bit more tucked in and were actually capable of completing a pass. We need a couple of creative midfield players in January. We shouldn't be so reliant on out and out wingers to create chances from wide, which have low rates of conversion and disjoint our play.
  15. It would be nice to see him in the game. But, I'm not sure he made it to Goodison today
  16. Good to see that we have legs, craft and guile in midfield.
  17. I just don't see the fucking point in leaving two DMs on and not changing our shape when we're chasing a game that we haven't been in all afternoon.
  18. Deulofeu for... Lennon. Right. So, nothing will change, guys.
  19. I'm with you here. If we had an attack, they wouldn't likely be as on the front foot as they are. They know we're toothless, as we are.
  20. All I'm saying is that there are 11 players out there, and it's pointless to single out someone for losing the ball if not one of them is showing for it.
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