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Everything posted by Toffee_in_LA

  1. Really surprised at how little they are pressing us, giving us some time to stay on the ball
  2. What a ball by Lukaku, If McGeady had dived into the near post...
  3. Maybe this stoppage of play will help us regain our composure and tighten up in the back
  4. Had trouble getting a non buffering stream the first 5 or so minutes. Great way to start the game but our defending, especially on set pieces is still shite. We are going to need a couple here to win it.
  5. Haven't won a game since last year, I've forgotten how that joy of winning feels like
  6. Not signing anyone at all would be a huge mistake, especially another winger on the left side. If I have to continue seeing Barkley playing on the wings... :major overreaction alert:
  7. 3 million? Isn't that what we just got for Eto'o. Another keeper would be nice but I would put another winger, CB and even striker ahead of getting a new GK. Then again, that's what I said when we signed Stones, what do I know
  8. I'll keep this in mind tenacious. Really sad to see him go if it does happen as he was absolutely creative with his link ups with Baines. Sadly, he's just not up to it anymore
  9. Would be ecstatic if it came off... won't happen though
  10. Mixed feeling about Pato, his injury history is something we don't need in the club but in his hayday (granted like 5 years ago), he was great for Brazil. His size also doesn't help the situation. Love him but don't see him fitting in here
  11. Love him when he plays for Uruguay, just the type of winger that we need. Fun fact, same name as my brother, get him in!
  12. Real shame to see him go, he had a few quality appearance at first but really began to fade when he started and then his last couple appearances. It would be unfortunate if he really did cause trouble in the locker room but there's nothing more you can do about a player like that than sell. Now we need a replacement unfortunately because if something were to happen to Lukaku (knock on wood), Kone is not adequate cover, especially with his injury history.
  13. Besic Stones Barry Oviedo In that order for me
  14. ""He [Mirallas] was not feeling 100%, he felt his hamstring straight after the penalty. That was the reason for the substitution" Not sure it was his hamstring he felt right after the penalty, might have been shite. *Sigh*
  15. Of course it is speculation man, there's no way that we have just been playing like shite all season after having a good one last year without any reason. I'm not going as far as to say it's a lost locker room, like I said before that's just extreme. What I am saying is that the players don't have the same confidence and belief they had last year about playing and winning games. This may all be simply down to losing and not getting the right results but I don't think it is just that. Just my 2 cents.
  16. Wish I held the same belief mate. My heart's sinking a bit because our league form has just been so shite. I was really hoping we had turned the corner after drawing against City and that performance against West Ham but I was still waiting out on us picking up a win and I really hoped this would be it. Just one goal would have made me feel relief that yes we can win some games and pick up points and get out of the bottom 6 or 7 spots in the league. Still waiting...
  17. And of course like some of y'all said, Naismith is going to be a professional and not add more gasoline to the fire. Martinez just said he was withdrawn because he wasn't 100% fit, of course he's not going to talk crap about Mirallas to the cameras. Interesting to see if he's still in blue by the end of the month
  18. I still don't understand how and why you are so confident but fair enough. Hope for the club's sake that you are right and there isn't a scenario where it's March 2nd and we have only picked up 2 points against Crystal and Leicester and lost to the other big teams.
  19. Fair play to Martinez though for subbing him off. I don't think I have said that yet. I will give him credit for that.
  20. And what have you seen from our side that gives you confidence that we can do just that. The loads of possession that we have had over and over again all season without anything to show for it? The great wins against such massive clubs like QPR and Burnley? I don't want to sound too extreme here, but I don't have any confidence in the club right now and won't until we start winning again. Draws against other relegation teams and losses to teams like Hull aren't going to keep us up
  21. I can see y'alls side of the argument but I have to strongly disagree with the bolded part. We have one win in our last 13 in all competitions. We have had 2 points in our last 6 league games. There have been rumours of Eto'o having a conflict with the locker room and now he is on his way out. And now Mirallas did this shite, saying that he's above the club. To say it's utter nonsense and shite is completely bs
  22. West Brom were a couple of touches away from getting through on goal. I still don't trust our defense to hold them. We can't create anything worth a crap. It also helped that West Brom refused to press us, which I'm pretty damn sure the other teams will do against us
  23. No win in six for Everton. Their longest winless run in four years. Mirallas needs to fuck off, absolutely idiotic
  25. We can't score against this shite West Brom team, how do you think we'll fare against Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal coming up? How can you be even a little happy of this shite performance
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