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Everything posted by Toffee_in_LA

  1. Oviedo in for Baines and Osman in for Gibson Edit: Good subs, keep Baines healthy (and Oviedo has been doing pretty darn well) and the midfield has looked a bit tired.
  2. Great hustle by Anichebe to steal that! And sublime finish by Mirallas!
  3. Stop passing the ball backwards, we need to be more creative to beat their press.
  4. A bit nervous, apart from Pienaar, I think Everton has done really well, but we have nothing to show for it.
  5. OFF THE POST!!! Unlucky Stones
  6. Distin's pace/recovery speed at his age still impresses me. Cheers, thanks for clarifying. That makes a lot more sense than what the commentators were saying.
  7. It's a baseball stadium (the game in LA will be in a baseball stadium too). Terrible marking there, lucky not to be down a goal.
  8. The spanish channel I'm watching the game in says that we are playing with 4 in the back. I'm not sure about that. Is it 3 or 5 in the back?
  9. Been away from TF all preseason (been keeping up with the squad), missed you guys! Enjoying how the squad has handled the game thus far.
  10. Not surprising at all. Why he doesn't start ahead of Ashley Cole is beyond me.
  11. Ah I see, sorry about the misunderstanding. 14 hours wouldn't even get you half way across the US, which is crazy to me as well. And yes while there are a lot of tofu spots in LA (I'm not a fan), I have been able to buy toffee from select places (quite rare though).
  12. I could fly as well, but I've helped my parents drive 24-30 hours before multiple times, so that shouldn't really faze me.
  13. . To get the topic slightly back on track (even though I helped derail it), when does the announcement of new kits generally come out?
  14. That is Kate Upton, American born and raised
  15. Welcome to the boards Finners.
  16. Is there anyway to donate besides Paypal? I don't have one and am not sure if it would be difficult to make one/ get money on an account.
  17. I can't take this American bashing!
  18. Miami is roughly a 14 hour drive from my university. But if I get to see my two favorite soccer teams in the world compete during the finals (I'm also a Galaxy fan in case you didn't know), then it'll be a drive well worth making. This would also be the first time I get to see Everton live and in person
  19. I always enjoy meeting Everton fans from the states. Welcome to the forums Gilloly. Is that the name you want us to refer to you as or do you have another personal choice?
  20. Definitely agree, the community here is awesome and made me feel welcome. I will be contributing a little bit of money as the off-season rolls along, but only if we sign a good manager
  21. I might have to steal that myself . It's always nice having a Yank like myself on the forums T. We need people that don't always talk about fish and chips and tea
  22. I picked Distin for saving our butts on multiple occasions, especially during the 2nd half. Vic had a solid 1st half but faded a lot in the 2nd.
  23. I was worried who was going to play RB when Hibbert went down. Now RB is a position I don't even think about. Coleman has improved dramatically and will only continue improving. When you consider how much Moyes paid for him, this team got an amazing bargain for a good player.
  24. Vic has done wonderfully holding up the ball. Torres would have had a 2nd yellow by now for diving if the ref wasn't being so lenient. Naisy has given some easy balls away but his finish was nicely done. Gibson 2nd shot was a nice rocket, very unlucky it didn't go in. We might just nic this game yet.
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