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Everything posted by StevO

  1. How has the season been shaping up so far? so far disappointing, and as i write this we are 1-0 down to a weakened blackburn side, so getting worse. What are your expectations for this season? Have they changed from day one? i expected us to push on from last year, not get 4th because that still seems a million miles away to me. i believe we could still finish 6th, but we would have to sort out our defence quick sharp. Who do you think is your most important player(s)? tim cahill, if he is fit we tend not to lose, but then with out yaks goals we could be in a lot of trouble. Your worst player(s)? id normally say big vic, honestly think the lad wont be in the prem when his contract runs out, but this season, for me, lescott is a liability. Do you have a particular memory of any previous meeting between our clubs? Say something that happened to you that day or a decision you disagreed with? i'd go for the 3-0, was my sisters wedding day so i couldnt get to the game, got my money back on my ticket though. we had some good banter with the reds that day, the wedding was filled with shouts of "andy johnson, doesnt miss from there" What sort of line-up will be put out against us? 451 i would think, but if fit id like to see us go with saha and yak up front. 451 isnt exactly solid for us at the moment so why not give 442 a go? Do you have any favourite/best chant(s) and perhaps any that require an explanation? im a big fan of "whos that cummin over your bird? is it a gangster? is it a gangster?" dont think it needs explanation. i will add, im not a gangster, but if she wants a volunteer...... Where do you expect Everton and Liverpool to finish in the Premier League? i would have said 4th for your lot, but if city can manage to sustain the current form and strengthen in january you could find yourselves in 5th. if we finish in the top 10 it wont be terrible on current form. Cup Winners: EPL - Chelsea UEFA Cup - Standard Liege Champions League - Inter FA Cup - United Which Liverpool player will you fear the most? Torres, probably the best striker in europe. i dont see why rafa went for keane and not villa, surely after the euros they could have got them together. anyway, Torres has been off form, but hes too dangerous to think it'll stay that way. Do you hate Liverpool fans, and why? i do hate liverpool fans who arent local, you know the type. you go on holiday, an theres a cockney or a taff who claims to be a fan but doesnt even know that anfield is a place and not just a stadium. proper home grown scouse fans, who are realistic i can live with. Care to predict the score? 0-3
  2. i think the problem could be people being impatient, we spend £15m we want results instantly. hopefully he'll get the time he needs and grows into the player we need.
  3. arsen spent a lot of time getting his network together, and they seem to reap the benefits, every year they bring through a few gems.
  4. AJs old man wasnt convinced he wanted, to leave, he still isnt. he didnt have a transfer budget, and you must see that too. we brought in £16m and spent £15m, moyes has said since contract talks began, he wants to know if the club have the same ambition as he does. the simple mathematics show, that if we did have a transfer budget as you tell me, then it was -£1m. ok, lets give the mcfadden money as the budget, to help your point along, even though the money wasnt spent after it came in, that still only leaves £6m. thats just not good enough in the modern game. i know that, you know that and david moyes knows that. he said it in his press conference when he first signed. probably find it on skysports.com if you scroll back though the videos far enough
  5. cant wait to see the highlights of this game, 6-0 with an average age of 19
  6. working with the academy and reserves, fuck that, get him working with the first team. actually, you busy at the weekend? i think we got a job for you on saturday
  7. i think its more than money myself. lets not forget, he wasnt given a transfer budget this season, he had to sell to buy. he may be holding out for this kind of thing to not happen again.
  8. im glad you dont have a problem with nipples mike, or we would all be banned!
  9. we could just go kidknapp Moutinho with these guys in charge! hands off yak
  10. ive said before, we have no idea what wages moyes has asked for and what wages the club have offered. all just speculation, but the board may have gone to him with an offer of 65k a week, not necessarily the other way round
  11. its £30m coz thats what the blades lost thru relegation
  12. would then be deemed match fixing mate, another can of worms i think
  13. im pretty sure we'll go full strength. the only way for the defence to get there act together has got to be time on the pitch, we really need a clean sheet before the derby. howard pip yobo jags baines arteta castillo felaini osman cahill yak i still dont think lescott deserves to start ahead of baines right now
  14. up dates once a minute, wont see much match action
  15. if you read what coppell has said, about not wanting to be seen taking advantage, i think he only said it come across in a good sporting manor. feels sorry for watford, as i think we all do, because that is an obsolute joke of a decision.
  16. if you've watched us this season hes been our best defender. he also coached at england too. but he isnt working as a defensive coach, hes assistant manager. its all a little too easy to point the blame at the new guy, but get real.
  17. can i throw rosie webster from corrie into this thread? hotest bird on tele for me
  18. that last one about the baby on the clothes line, ive heard a million times with many different unpostable inclusions, but a baby is a new one to me. still made me laugh
  19. just a quick comment, kings of leon have, in the last few days, restored my faith in new music. its been probably four or five months since ive actually wanted to listen to anything new as nothing has really sounded anything more than regurgetated puke. gunna have to go grab the guitar and give this a go
  20. it is important, and if you dont vote you are actually contributing to terrorism and people trafficing from eastern europe and causing the price of fuel to go up. so do the honourable thing, vote!
  21. what a load of shite that is, we bring in one coach and suddenly its his fault we cant defend anymroe. someones been listening to the idiot on the city phone in and some shite rumours that are going on some websites. its still the same players, they still go under the same instructions, do you honestly think for one minute moyes would bring in someone new and let them change the way defend? get real.
  22. the way were playing in very worried about blackburn in the carling, the way they've been playing lately they'll be happy to see us coming again
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