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Goodison Glory

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Everything posted by Goodison Glory

  1. Agreed we won't spend big on him or any one else for that matter (and the article is shite) but Matt's reply raised an interesting question on FPP. Personally I thought was possible to improve our FPP position with new owners but happy for different opinions.
  2. Yes on the 3yr part but I thought the current year counted as one of those. so say we get an additional 100M of in year revenue, and spend 50M more than current kitty on transfers....is that not still 50M better off over that 3yr period than we would have been.
  3. Love the creativity to share 4 links Dunc Did not love the "marquee signing" headline to then see a pic of Tarkowski...sign of our current reality!
  4. I think the only way the situation changes is if the new owners somehow brought in new revenue streams for that year (better sponsorship deals, signed up to actually name the stadium not just the naming rights, training ground etc). Highly unlikely so I'm with you but if they affect the "in year" revenue stream then that would change the FPP outlook I think (but hey I'm no expert on FPP at all)
  5. Fair enough. Maybe not the best word choice for me to use. I'm from the area and in the early days he was absolutely putting the club up for sale initially as a front due to fan hatred against him. Sort of a "fine if you don't want me I'll sell" but he didn't really want to sell so he made his valuations very high. Of course he is also a hard nose business man. The reason I brought this into the conversation is that there are some parallels with moshri and the fan base. The aspects are completely different (usmanov / FPP etc). But I do believe this will be a protracted affair. ok let's get back to us
  6. You seem focused only on the Saudi offers which is not how I referenced my initial POV. NCL was for sale for years and Staveley was part of multiple bids not just Saudi. Some bids were smoke and mirrors (Chinese) others were rejected by Ashley for one reason or another.
  7. Good article from the Athletic above.
  8. Respectively disagree - in the beginning (not the Saudis) Ashley was thinking the value was not being met despite stavely fronting several bids.
  9. Yes but when we're the photos taken just when you think you are out, they pull you right back in!!
  10. Yeah that's what I mean. These convos were all predicated on surviving. "Hey we can talk but I'm out of you don't survive" type of conversation. Now we've survived there are multiple interested parties. that said how long did it take NCL to get bought. Amanda Stavely was on years...most of which was prob down a reluctant seller in Mike Ashley. At least we have somewhat of a willing seller.
  11. The Athletic posted an article today saying that these are fake. One massive clue was the absence of any midweek fixtures...when you consider there will be more midweek fixtures than ever this year due to World Cup...the leaked fixtures start to look very lazy. May 13th and 20th fixtures were also exactly the same LOL
  12. Yep this is moving too quickly for it to be a recent development. Prob alt just coming to the surface since we survived relegation threat...
  13. Must've bungalow wage......ok I'll admit that's crap!
  14. Given the speed of our DEF and MID a tank manufacturer should be right at home
  15. Multiple supposed offers. No smile without fire. I think having someone with some industry relevant experience will offset any concerns I have about to bring a tank based consortium.
  16. That helps just in case we were researching the wrong Otavio the amount of names we are being rumoured with that I've never heard of is illustrating what a shit predicament we are in!!
  17. Let's get Rafa back...he does well with that type of fixture list : )
  18. Yep and I was offering a different opinion is all. No issues.
  19. Exactly. I think Gallagher is an outstanding player for us but @Romey 1878he is short of the class required (currently) to be a part of Chelsea MID. His stats are actually pretty poor against the so called "big teams"...call that a symptom of playing in an inferior side if you will. He also tailed off towards the end of the season (1 goal/1 assist in last 20 games or so playing significant minutes) I say all of this not to knock his talent but to say that it is not fantasy that he could come here whether that be loan to buy or permanent outright. Less than likely - yes, stuff of dreams - that's a bit far. *Sorry for derailing the Richi thread. Feel free to move to CG dedicated thread.
  20. I think we were top 5 in points gained from losing positions, unfortunately we conceded first in a staggering 25 games!!! so breaking teams down with the resources we have was not the main problem. The defence was a major liability.
  21. Could see 50M plus pay nothing for Delle. That said if we are entering into speculation I am pleased Chelsea are possibly tempted. Maybe 50+ Gallagher.
  22. I do t see us selling on prem proven fee for another who would be not significantly cheaper. Guy has a 1:10 goal to games ratio according to that...don't follow Portuguese football but that doesn't seem great considering other wingers to come out of that league historically.
  23. If that's the case then it outstrips inflation even by todays crazy rates. I read we were ranked 7th in terms of value of front of shirt. However unappealing some might think it is.
  24. it's hardly record breaking. I thought cazoo was just under 10M a year and this is about the same?
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