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Posts posted by NyarkosLeftToe

  1. Went on holiday on Sunday morning with us only hours away from playing what could have been and hopefully will be the determining game as to whether we get a Champions League spot, come back last night and not only did we win that game, we destroyed them, our RB has developed even more into Cafu than he was before doing keep ups for 40 yards an making Santi Cazorla look like a cunt.


    Steven Naismith has turned into the Zlat, skinning players ( A player who's won the Champions League twice by the way) for fun, then going back to his normal self an twatting it over :fishing: but nevertheless it was a great bit of skill.


    John Stones is continuing to develop into Beckenbauer!


    And Roberto continues to be as classy and as brilliant as ever. Roll on next week!!


    Oh I nearly missed off Baines gripping Arteta, fucking boss!



  2. I think the majority agree he done well on Sunday and that he is good at coming on as a sub, a few of us are not getting overly excited like others by thinking he is now a class player.


    This is always gonna be the case with Naismith, some people will think he is a lot better than he is, and others (Me included therefore it is the right opinion :D ) Will think he is just a good sub.


    He has been poor in holding up the ball for me, a lad of his physicality should be far more comfortable, his touch is not good, he mis controlled a pass that led to WBA equalising. At times his work rate suggests "cant be bothered" attitude.


    if Naismith would have been stronger against Heitinga then Fulham probably wouldn't of scored on Saturday.It was probably a foul but it was a bit soft. Delefeou lost the ball in the Arsenal game and they went up the other end and scored, you can't really blame forwards for faults leading to goals because the ball still has to travel a long way before the other team score, thats what the rest of the team are there for.


    Agree on his touch, it isn't the best but I think people forget how young he is because he's massive, he's only a few months older than Barkley, yet if Barkley drifts out of a game, which he does do every now an again whether that be down to his injury I don't know (Lukaku has also had an injury that kept him out for a good few games) Barkley gets away with it because he's 'still learning'.


    Some fans think players are machines and can run all day. I'd much rather him reserve energy to get into the box rather than 'doing doggies' while the defence pass the ball round to each other like Jelavic used to do.


    :lol: It didn't take me much less time than that :P.


    I thought I'd give it to him because his original shot was going on target tbf, but the FA will probably give it as a Stockdale OG, you're right.



    To be fair I thought they should have give it to him, the original strike was defo going in, would have been gutted if you had him to score first!


    Somehow I think Traore is an "outlier".


    Goalscoring is Lukakus job, and Naismith on a goals to minutes ratio is perfroming better.



    Yeah I was joking, to be fair I do think Naismith played well the other day, but, I also think if he had been our main striker this year we wouldn't be where we are now and his goals per min ratio would be alot more. That's why I said he is a 'decent sub' something which I still think. I just don't get all this man love for Naismith just because he has the odd good 30-45 minutes coming off the bench against poor teams. While Lukaku gets slated cos he goes a couple of games without scoring, especially when as I said earlier he played well on Sunday.

  6. I think naismith needs to get white boots, long hair and an Alice band, a sleeve of tatts done, and learn how to do a drag back and throw his hands in the air when his team mates make a shite pass. Maybe then some fans will get their heads out their arse and rate a footballer who deserves a lot of credit.


    As it happens he's just gonna do what he does, how many points has he earned us this season??? My guess is 6-9. At least hew moved up to "decent sub" status.


    Laughable, the ridiculous plaudits Tim Cahill received, this lad is a better footballer.


    He'd look good with long hair like, think he should use the beds as well.


    He's a striker, he is going to earn us points, thats his job. How many points has Lukaku earned us this season, yet he gets stick because he doesn't run round chasing the ball between 4 defenders yet Naismith comes off the bench scores a couple of goals and he's seen as a god amongst men to some people on here.


    The games he's started, apart from winning a few headers he's been average. This is why he is a decent sub.

  7. If Lukaku is worth £20m then Naismith is worth £10m...


    The reality is that Naismith is a £7m player and Lukaku is a £14m player at most, and that is being generous regarding his age and potential.


    Naismith is a great lad, highly intelligent and disciplined footballer who works very hard. Lukaku could do with learning off him. I have seen on a few occassions now playes berating Lukaku, he doesn't show the effort we expect.


    Imagine if Naismith had Lukakus size, pace and strength???


    Lukaku played well yesterday, he doesn't need to be running round like a headless chicken chasing lost causes, he linked up a few attacks and was unlucky not to score. Naismith had a good game off the bench yesterday against another shit team. He's still only a decent sub though.

  8. Played poorly, won the game.


    I love these types of results, especially away from home, proper soak up loads of pressure then hit a team with a couple of quick goals and kill the game off, leaving their fans all miserable as fuck for rest of the week.

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