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Everything posted by Chach

  1. How can Sunnis killing Shiites and vice versa be mainly secular? Do you mean sectarian? What do you suggest wold be an appropriate response? Deport every Muslim currently living in the UK? I have no idea what the solution to this problem is but I would pretty much guarantee it will come from Muslims so lumping them all into the same basket is likely a terrible idea.
  2. Their position seems pretty clear to me. http://www.sbs.com.au/topics/life/culture/article/2017/06/02/when-mosques-refuse-bury-muslim-terrorists
  3. This is the man we hope becomes President soon http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/mike-pence-climate-change-us-vice-president-paris-agreement-issue-left-for-some-reason-donald-trump-a7769081.html
  4. Witnessing what may be the end of US hegemony in real time, what a time to be alive!
  5. Yeah, that seems perfectly normal where they are expected to garner about 43% of the vote. /sarcasmo 0_o Say what you like about the Electoral College system at least it evens up the field a bit between the haves and the have less.
  6. That's debatable, if you live in the US chances are you are not going to be greatly affected by Islamist terror events, under say a Mike Pence presidency which is a very real possibility, Christian fundamentalism could pervade your everyday life with serious consequences say if you are a woman or gay. This is not an attempt at whataboutery but Christianity is a long way away from being a benign institution in the west, while not being overtly evil like ISIS , a lot of Christians end up wanting evil things due to their beliefs, which puts them on the same continuum.
  7. Better than no integrity and poor judgement.
  8. The guy who wrote that blog is about as mainstream media as you get (not that that is a bad thing IMO) and a well known Tory crony. There is absolutely nothing in that article that supports your initial claim that JC actively supported the IRA, that's nothing more than conjecture in an attempt to smear.
  9. Paul Nuttall being a hilarious example: Trigger warning, video contains "BBC lefty liberal luvvie" satirising mouth breather.
  10. Salafism has been around since the 18th century and active in politics since the 1920's, ISIS are basically Al Queda separatists which has its roots in Russian foreign policy. It's easy to make arguments against Afghanistan and Iraq 2.0 but what would a correct response to Saddam's annexation of Kuwait have been?
  11. For someone who likes to place so much emphasis on stats you seem to have a pretty myopic view on the cause of the current situation. There's not too many people who would say that the foreign policy of the west hasn't exacerbated the incidents in western countries but to try and hang it all at Blair's door is disingenuous to say the least.
  12. That article is quite charitable, this one uses the trade data to expose his complete stupidity on this subject https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-05-26/-bad-germans-and-other-trump-blunders
  13. I know, I was satirising a certain forums members argument as being genetic in nature
  14. This is in the Guardian, so it's not true a joke and quite frankly a crime against humanity
  15. Yeah it does actually clarify in the article I posted that it would only potentially be issues stemming from, still outrageous.
  16. I've heard some chat about them changing the rules, whats involved in that/is it likely?
  17. "Yesterday conditions stemming from sexual assault became pre-existing conditions, because reporting sexual assault was a bit too easy before, so Republicans thought they’d mix things up a bit." https://thetab.com/us/2017/05/05/heartbreaking-tweets-women-now-pre-existing-conditions-66853
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