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Everything posted by Deacs

  1. Can still do a job for us this year and will have an impact on games if he's used in the right way.
  2. Just imagine how good he could have been without the serious injuries. He had everything pace, power, vision, and a real nasty edge to him that meant he always seemed to win the ball. It's that edge Rom will never have. It's just not in his make up.
  3. Everton 2 - 1 Watford Coleman Screw you guys I want the $20 ?
  4. Romeys roundup. Was going to suggest Romey on Rom, but thought it sounded a little to... well you know.
  5. If it's going to be a regular segment it needs a name. Any good ideas?
  6. I'm not sure he will I have little faith in Martinez now
  7. Sorry mate was replying to Steve. You must have got your post in first. I do agree with you.
  8. I hope your wrong, I've still got high hopes for him. Last season didn't do anyone any favours and he didn't get enough game time IMO. Unfortunately I don't see that changing this year. I suspect we will see Barry start most games.
  9. Why wouldn't you though? Clubs selling to us obviously feel they can dictate terms.
  10. Don't want him to leave, but looking at our club as a supporter of another club you would be pissing yourself. I could totally understand it if McCarthy and Stones leave, as gutted as I will be.
  11. It doesn't really matter that we're not signing new players. He doesn't use the ones we have properly. I haven't been this pessimistic about a season since before Smith.
  12. Usually have to pay a subscription for this sort of stuff, gold.
  13. Not necessarily disagreeing with you, but who do you think we could replace him with for that sort of money?
  14. Cheer harder next time Going to be a real struggle to snatch a draw from this.
  15. Who set the system up and put the staff in place?
  16. Can't argue with Pogba, they massively misjudged his potential. I just don't think they will let Jones go on a free. Of course our very own TC is going to be a world beater, know you agree with me there Romey
  17. Strange that someone who worked as hard as Sir Alex was lucky?
  18. They'll either get rid now or get him to sign an extension. I can't think of to many occasions when they have lost out on a player leaving.
  19. Completely agree about Osman. Totally disagree about car analogies, some of the best posts on here involve Cortinas and Jaguars.
  20. Not if used in the right way. At the start of last year RM seemed intent on playing for full games. Didn't work. When used a late sub much more effective and still can be.
  21. And will give us more on the pitch than those three next year as well
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