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Everything posted by Deacs

  1. Pleased to see Browning start hope he makes the most if his chance.
  2. Works really for my children. Not sure the club's nutritionalists would be happy with the happy meal treat though.
  3. Don't think we will see it but still a good line up. I'm not usually a fan of 3 at the back but I think given our current circumstances I would try it. Howard Jags. Stones. Mori. McCarthy. Barry. Kone. Besic. Barkley. Mirallas. Lukaku.
  4. Useful from the bench though. Don't imagine there are many defenders that would be happy seeing Lennon and Deulofeu coming on with 25 minutes left. Don't suppose we're likely to see it either, which is a shame.
  5. Strikes me as a player who wouldn't struggle with his fitness. One of those annoying bastards whose naturally fit and trim.
  6. To be fair didn't happen that often, most of the time he was asked to play wide.
  7. Looking at the way we started the season neither of them may play!
  8. I think the fact that the number of expected arrivals keeps changing shows he hasn't got a clue what's going on.
  9. It seems Martinez now has a 1st 11 in mind and barring injury and suspension that is who he will play. Kone has been ok this year, but would anyone honestly start him ahead of Kev or Del? Barry also has been ok so far (yesterday aside), but I still think with the players we have it would suit us not to have him as a nailed on starter. Barkley looks great coming from deep, but keeps being played forward (or wide - WHY). Back Four picks itself, can't help the bad luck at left back. Howard great game yesterday need more of the same. Lukaku scores goals, and for that he deserves his place. Could do so much more though. McCarthy this year so far not good enough, needs to do better. Once again IMO Martinez needs to do better. I just get no sense of leadership. He can public statements about keeping Stones it means nothing? For all we know that's a club written press release. Didn't even get into transfers there!
  10. Remember beating them 2-1 at Goodison about 12 or so years ago (can't remember the year, but it was the game jimmy floyd got sent off for elbowing Michael Ball). The ground was quite literally swaying, the atmosphere was like nothing I have felt before or since. I sincerely hope there are a few more games at Goodison like that this year, especially against Chelsea.
  11. Golf or football? Probably the only I thing I miss about the UK is football in the afternoon. Best case scenario is a 7.45pm start here. The A league just doesn't cut it.
  12. And you both need to send me $1000.00 to claim your percentage. I've have sent you both a pm with the accoun details
  13. We know Kev and Del as brilliant as they are can be are inconsistent, the more options we have the better I say.
  14. I know, how does blue clash with red and white??? Suppose they have to wear it at least once or no one will buy it.
  15. I don't disagree that we needed something more going forward and Kone provided that, but we were behind and chasing the game throwing everything forward. Having the extra attack minded player on the pitch contributed to us scoring, moving Barry to left back was pointless.I don't believe moving Barry to left back contributed to us scoring. McCarthy was full of energy but gave the ball away to often and to easily. Barry was solid, unless Galloway was injured why not just swap McCarthy for Kone?
  16. Subbing Galloway and moving Barry to full back sums it all up perfectly.
  17. Hope your right, but... Vault please.
  18. Aw come on, just a little bit. I've lived in Perth through two 5-0 white washes
  19. 100% agree. As a sub against tired legs he will unlock defences and make goals for us. Unfortunately Martinez doesn't use substitutes
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