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Everything posted by chalkpie

  1. imo *PLENTY* of amazing talent on this club right now. We finished top 5 two years ago don't forget, and we have a stronger more experienced squad right now. I think the magic needs to happen from the captain steering the ship (you all know to whom I refer). The jury is still out on him in my mind - I wanted his head last season when we sucked all kinds of balls and ass - but I am willing to give him another chance - plus what fuckin choice do I have? We can be frustrated and have that right, but lets give this thing a chance at least. I already see more quality after 4 matches than last year at this time - plus we are ahead of those Chelsea fuckers!!! Fuck them - GO EVERTON!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Yeah, I've thought about it, but it involves drinking less, exercising, and eating boring shit like salad, so its a pretty stupid idea overall.
  3. what about 6'2" and about 215 lbs (15.35 stone)......XL or XXL?
  4. I am at a loss again. WTF is going on?
  5. Now THIS was the Everton I've come to know and love this year.....they're back!!
  6. Is Barkley's passing the thing he's known for? He's a decent dribbler but I wouldn't place him in the top 20% of the PL in that category. I really want this kid to succeed but it seems like his stars haven't aligned just yet. There is a spark missing still, but honestly you can say that about the entire team this year. These days I compare everybody to Hazard since I feel he is the best of the best - truly deserving of player of the year. He can shine shit on most occasions - I really want to see Ross do the same.
  7. I see a different Everton playing right now compared to the shite over the fall/winter. I think RM has changed, even if there isn't any public acknowledgement. Yesterday the NBCSN crew/pundits did a "Pundits at the Pub" and eluded that Jags had a big influence on Martinez on changing the tactics/strategy. How truthful this is I have no idea but it makes sense to me given their recent form. Although yesterday wasn't perfect, they were far and above the most successful team in BPL history, and their manager even admitted it. Let's enjoy this moment, hope for 4 more wins to move us up even further. Never saw this coming. COYB's!!!
  8. Match of the year for me right there. Goosebumps at moments. Can't remember the lats time I've said this. GOOOO FUCKINNNNN EVERTONNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I sort of have this same feeling. Nice guy, smart, yet not willing to admit he was at fault for a lot of this season. Maybe his brand of football is wrong for this team - I dunno. Even though we're winning again, I don't feel like we are kicking ass out there - more like scraping the bottom of the barrel for a win at times - which is fine - but this team is not firing on all cylinders - that is for sure. It feels somewhere above mediocrity right now, whereas last season we were kicking some ass. To me its a big difference, yet the same team and manager? I really don't know if we can repeat that from what I'm seeing currently. We have taken a few steps back this season, and hopefully we'll learn from them...or not. Positivity helps but sometimes you need some anger to show some real passion. So many things to think about with this team right now.
  10. I think Dyche is a class act. Him and Martinez are two of the nicest managers around. But nice doesn't necessarily get you points every week. Most of those other blokes you mentioned are arrogant pricks IMO.
  11. So far I'm eating crow and happy to do it! Please keep it up Mr Mirallas, and I'll end up eating an entire flock of crows - I like them medium rare and marinated in white wine.
  12. Yeah, Lennon is a must purchase.
  13. Where is Jags taking the leadership role on these? STICK TO PLAN. Barkley better make good on this.
  14. WTF!!!!!!! Why didn't Baines take this???
  15. Yeah, good fucking luck with that! I'd love to see that happen meself but I wouldn't bet my house on it. Maybe if his last name Ronaldo or Messi perhaps.......
  16. That's being too logical and flexible, so we know that won't happen
  17. http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/everton-transfer-rumours-toffees-target-9030804 Is he going to City? Is this lad really worth 50mil??!!
  18. We need this little bastage.....its a no-brainer. He's a Toffee for life.
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