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Finn balor

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Everything posted by Finn balor

  1. I'm a big film buff and in their prime my faves are Nicholson, De Niro, Pacino up to Penn, Bale,Depp,Norton,Seymour-Hoffman but i think Matt Damon is an actor who doesn't make many bad films, Bourne films were exceptional but anything he is in is all the better for it The Departed, The Good Shepherd, The Talented Mr Ripley, Good Will Hunting etc. Be interested what others enjoy
  2. I think you'd be surprised at how much prem players are on. My mate in works best mate is Paul Gerrard who was given a contract at Sheff Utd as third choice keeper at £4 grand basic wage a few seasons ago
  3. In the betting bit in NOWS it says after Liverpools first two games they will find out who is competing with EVERTON for fourth place. I fancy us for 3rd fuck it!
  4. Thought Inception was excellent just watched Sherlock Holmes really enjoyed it.
  5. I thinks its all realative. Sky money is the main income but our squad is not huge but full of quality. I would rather one Arteta on big money than 3 average players taking up a squad place. How much has Carlo Nash cost us in wages? A million? Scary!
  6. Whatever it is he is worth it. i have no problem with the top players getting the top dollar.
  7. Fuckin love the man. Please Davey put him next to Jags
  8. Whose are your picks to star this year? Hernandez-United Beckford- Everton Moses- Wigan Coleman- If given the chance Nzonzi- Blackburn
  9. I'm quite happy Torres is staying to be honest as in todays market £50 million can get you alot of player like Villa swapping Milner for Ireland, Onohua etc. Watched them tonight and they are an average prem top 10 team. Theyre aura is gone and teams will attack them at anfield. Out of the team only three would get in ours now. Reina, Torres and Gerrard. I'm so confident we will finish above them.
  10. I'm sorry to say the lad is in real danger of becoming the next Michael Branch if he is not careful. He should go on loan to a decent championsip club Swansea, Derby etc to gain much needed experience. Did wonders for Ossie.
  11. Great goal by Jermaine and cross from Maggie. Moysie may have pulled two gems again
  12. Although its early and players can come and go what do we think? I think Blackburn havn't a striker to worry us but they will be difficult at set pieces. Fancy a comfy 0-2 Micky and the King
  13. Plan B latest album. Its very clever as it tells a story ala the streets album "a grand don't come for free". He is a very talented lad. Best album for ages
  14. Davey has just come out and said we dont have a pot to piss in which again for the second or third season in a row we han't spent a fuckin penny without selling. This could be our time this year and we are probably two or three players off seriously competing. Bill, Elstone sort it out!!
  15. Leaves us short up front unless we sell yobo and get a striker. Bellamy maybe?
  16. After reading your post it gave me a good feeling inside about our club and how special it is and our fans, wherever we are in the world. Good luck to you and the missus and i hope you have a wonderful day. P.S 0-2 Micky and Becks to score
  17. Day off on Thursday and the missus was watching GMTV. Anyway Bills bird was being interviewed about some drama she is doing on ITV after that Ben Shepherd asked where She thinks Everton will finish in the Prem. She only said that with our top squad and how we are looking pre-season we are going to WIN IT!! bet Bill wasn't happy but it got me day dreaming....
  18. Come on Landon, home is calling you.....
  19. Yeah i agree with some of that but we are too quick these days to say football has gone mad and why can't we go back to the old days? and where has the loyalty and trust gone? Maybe i'm an old romantic but it feels quite nice that we still stick to or at least try to go by those principles. Have we learnt our lesson? hopefully so and thank our lucky stars it never happened with Rodders
  20. Would take Onuhua,Ireland and if he wasnt a horrible cunt Bellamy.
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