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Finn balor

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Everything posted by Finn balor

  1. What the fuck was up with Johnny today? i hope he just wants to play centre half and is pissed off at seeing Dystin hoofing the fucker every time
  2. I fuckin love Davey but fuck me we need to pick our best eleven. Dystin is not good enough and we need Johnny playing where he should be. The obvious thing to me is again we havnt improved the squad so players are coasting because they know they are playing every week. We desperately needed a striker and as usual we just cracked on instead of buying or at least loaning.You telling me Madrid or Barca havnt got a spare striker to loan who is desperate for a game? When Tim is back we could do worse than playing him up top with Bily in the hole. Fucking Martin O'neil? i hate that cunt!!!
  3. That Carroll is absolute wank! not concerned about him or as a future great number 9. he is poo. everton 2-0 becks and bily
  4. give him the dough for fucks sake!! we were probably offering gosling fifteen to twenty grand so put that on top. we are too skint to have principles when they are not justified.
  5. had a Johnny Cash day today. Lost highways he made a number of albums in his last years that were critically acclaimed. lots of covers. fucking quality
  6. Bob Dylan, Jack Nicholson, Muhammad Ali, Alan Ball, Big Dunc, Jeff Buckley.
  7. What the fuck happened to that cunt? we were shit at the time so he stood out i suppose. Would loved to have seen Thierry Henrys face first day of training when Arsene says "heres our new £10 mil striker boys!!
  8. Finn balor

    Man Utd (H)

    Got to go for a win!! was thinking 1-1 but gonna be brave and go 2-1 Becks and Cahill
  9. I wish all the best to Carragher. A loyal, honest player and by the way what a player. I think it was the semi final in champs league against Chelsea (the one they stuffed it) he bossed Drogba. not seen many better performances than that at centre back. He seems a genuine fella and for me that transcends the colour of his shirt today
  10. so thats where the money went..... you wouldnt mind if they would just say
  11. Got to agree we do what we normally do, fail to build. Even the top teams reinforce there teams just to give the other players a kick up the arse. Im not having that all are money went in contract bollocks either. The added extra wages for arteta, rodwell etc is the equivalent of getting some free transfers in or loans and paying them £20 grand a week. Its bollocks. Then again i suppose we have next summer to wait till the last day till Rodders gets sold. And its goes on.......
  12. When he first signed i thought he was gonna be a world beater. Couldnt believe how good he was
  13. there is no way we would give somebody a player for a season without the gaurentee of a sale.£5 million seems fair for a player of his experience. Good luck Joey, proper servant in this day and age.
  14. Fuckin done with us at the minute. Sunday killed me off. We play some fucking lovely stuff but were trying to walk the fucker in the net! i suppose i should have a word with myself and be happy with the footie we are playing after watching so many years of shite but its getting on my tits now. We are not far off a VERY VERY good team but we dont play our best team. When Dystin plays with Jags our distribution is wank from the back. So arteta goes too deep to collect the ball which in turn doesnt allow him to be up attacking where he should be! Get Johnny in and shamus. Granted he may need help defensively but let teams worry about us for fucks sake!!
  15. Fucking joke weve had our worse season for three years last year and what do we do to improve things? Fuck all! this is the second summer we have spent fuck all and the board gets away with it. We need a right winger and fucking goalscorer but we dont bother and we watch stoke and sunderland spunk millions up the wall. FUCKIN FED UP!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Who knows? We need a striker and wideman with pace. Fuckin fed up to be honest. Only thing that could cheer me up if the shite buy Konchesky and Carlton Cole
  17. Pace out wide and up front. Heitenga alongside Jags and coleman at fullback
  18. Need to get three points on the board if were going to do anything this year. If Gabby aint playin that means we need to mop up the knock downs which is why Jonny should be at the back to play the ball out. Rodders to start in place of John and Becks up top. 0-2 Becks and Mikel
  19. Big game if we don't win we will lose ground on where we wanna be. 0-2 Becks and Rodders
  20. Thats what does my fucking head in. All of us have griped and moaned how shit we have been in the past. We finally have a squad to oompete and one of the obvious weaknesses is an attacking right back. But no. Wait there we can't have that people want us to be "dependable" instead. Fuck that and fuck the opinion. Lets fuckin go for the juggular! Do people think that with Johnny mopping up at the back if played couldnt fill in? Let teams worry about us for fucks sake! I love Davey with a passion but lets fuckin take the shackles off!!!
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