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Everything posted by Ghoat

  1. I don't know if I agree, disagree - I think both - but I laughed at regardless! I'm aware most of y'all here loath Trump, and will disagree with whatever he does or says, and that's totally fair. But I am also certain most of you would be pretty shocked at the discussions and opinions of the administration in private among Trump voters. By in private, I mean in person or messages boards, when we're not be called racists or Nazis by someone before a word is said. Almost everyone that I know who voted for Trump has very similar thoughts about him - and none of us have MAGA hats, and try to avoid conversations with those who do...
  2. I agree with the sieve part - and I have a real problem with that. I don't think he realized how deep the swamp was he wanted to drain, and how hard said swamp would fight back. He is a bull in the china shop, and has stepped on toes everywhere and I don't think he gives a damn. In some cases, that's probably a pretty good thing, in he other cases it's detrimental - and frankly I don't think he does well distinguishing between the two. I absolutely think he should be held accountable, and if he is doing something illegal, or recklessly detrimental, I hope to God people go thru the proper channels to bring those issues to light. "Whistle-blowers" are critical, especially within a democratic government. But by the same token, if your toes are stepped on, feelings are hurt, or just don't like the guy or the way he does things, you should probably stfu and do your job, and grumble to your co-workers like the rest of us do. Unelected mid-level bureaucrats have the right to opinions, but it's not their place or their job to attempt to undermine an administration or policy by going to the press reporting things that cannot be verified. It goes on in every administration, but far far more in this one, because of Trump being Trump. But that doesn't mean it's ok, or for that matter, even true. And yes, even if was Hillary in the Oval Office, and things being leaked validated my opinions on why she shouldn't be President...I still have a big problem with that.
  3. Look Sparty, if the man can run the whole county 140 characters at a time, then why should a briefing be any longer? I kid, I kid! Honestly, given his background, I'd be surprised of much different - that's a CEO mentality. If I have questions or need more info, I'll ask them. Broadly speaking, I'm ok with that - and that's not a defense of Trump per se, every president I remember has been accused of that. That was "reported" often about Clinton. But he also had an idiot savant-like memory when it came to names and places, he likely didn't need info repeatedly drilled and got a bit impatient (allegedly) when it was. Carter allegedly was prone to get down into the weeds and trying to micro-manage, bogging everything else down. Frankly, I'm always very skeptical of "reports" like this. If for no other reason, it can only come from a source at the highest level of security clearance, with direct access to POTUS - at the risk of career suicide. Do I think Trump is is a really impatient guy that could be an absolute dismissive prick to brief - yeah I can see that. easily Do I think he routinely risks lives and US security if HUMINT and SIGNET doesn't come to him in the right color crayons... um, no.
  4. Hell, with what we added, doing so for less than $50M is pretty amazing. And if we add Iwobi, even more so. If we can't move anyone else, and add Iwobi in addition to all the other arrivals, we're doing so for less than the price of one Icelandic midfielder.
  5. And the $5M we get when Rom goes, and possible others that go in the next few weeks will bring it even lower. But for a net spend that's currently looking somewhere around $10M if nothing else changes, I'd say Brands may be in line to have a statue at the entrance.
  6. So, we lost 2 starters (1 who wasn't ours anyway), one bench winger who was goalless last year, made a loaned starter permanent, added a starting MF and a high quality squad player (Delph/Gambin not sure which is which), added a widely coveted 19 year old striker who will likely play 30+ games and maybe start many of those, added quality competition/cover at RB and a quality young #2GK For a net of 15M. That's....pretty amazing.
  7. Agree. I'm sure we are all a little disappointed that we didn't add a CB and/or winger today. But, if we had landed Zaha and Rojo and spent 100-120M doing it, I think many would be unhappy feeling we let teams bend us over. we Based on nothing, I think Brands did try to get Zaha, but likely told CP we wanted him, but we didn't "need" him at any cost, so piss off - see ya Saturday. I'll call you in January, and ask how things are in the relegation zone - is Wilford enjoying his football this year?
  8. Mike, you can merge em under American Football, or leave them separate, either is fine with me. I defer to the adults
  9. Honestly, I'm really not sure anyone is qualified job, it is so big and encompassing, and it's 24/7 at any given time. A former vice-president is probably the closest thing to a "qualified" candidate. A damn community organizer, a brash New York businessman/reality TV host, the son of a wealthy Texan/CIA spook (but governor of a large state) and the son of a bootlegger who is governor of a small Southern State. That's our last four presidents, and regardless of what they did and how well they did/didn't do it, none of those resumes even remotely prepare them for the responsibilities and enormity of that job. "Leader of the Free World" is in my opinion, a bit of an overstatement, but there is some truth to it. Who the hell has that ego to think they have the experience to be qualified for that? (Yes it's rhetorical)
  10. Mayfield still has that walk-on chip on his shoulder - and that's a good thing. That 0-16 is it too far in the past, but I'll tell you what the Browns exceptional business in the last couple of years. I have fallen out of love with the NFL and I really don't even have a team anymore at 10 more followed keep up for the Auburn guys are doing. I've got to watch something after EPL is over, and there is a standing "Sunday Funday" two doors up from my house which if nothing else means my neighbor and I are drinking beer by the pool all day, and he's a huge Lions Fan. To be honest you can do the same thing on Saturday for college football and sometimes they bleed together, but I actually am aware and keep up with the NFL strictly by osmosis exposure lol. And the Bearcats have some pretty cool uniforms
  11. lol yeah, bu that;s just the Sheriff, consider this.... "Hey, I'd like to be, um, like president of the America" "OK, qualifications - have you ever been the president of a country before?" "Um, no" "World leaders - are you friends with any, speak a foreign language maybe?" "Sorta, I've seen Spanglish twice" "Ok, well, have you ever been in charge of a military? Nuclear subs, stealth bombers, battle tanks, launch codes for MIRV's and such?" "Um, what?" "Are you 35, born in America, no felonies?" "yeah" "Fuck yeah dude, you're qualified to lead the free world, sign here!" "Sweet" Makes sheriff requirements seems reasonable, no?
  12. It's closed - but could always be reopened with an extension. But I guess with EEOC, it's a moot point. Looking at Alabama, WTF? First you came for the front seats on the bus, then the water fountains, that whole voting thing...enough, we've done our part! (That would be a lot funnier if that slogan alone wasn't enough to get me elected county commissioner in some of the NE rural counties between Birmingham and Huntsville or NW between Birmingham and Starkvagas)
  13. NFL tangents are acceptable. Buck Fama and War Eagle! Auburn is loaded this year, maybe the best talent we have had overall in a decade. But we are either going to start a true freshman or a redshirt freshman at QB. And we play SIX of the teams that are in top 13 preseason....road games at Texas A&M, LSU and Florida, and the season with the Georgia Leghumpers and Alabama Cousin-Grinders at home. And we open the season with Oregon in Jerry's World with aforementioned freshman QB. 9-3 would be a hell of an accomplishment with that schedule. Clemson is loaded with an easy schedule, not sure who can beat em. Bama is $tocked as always and a favorable schedule, LSU at home, A&M and Auburn on the road. Oklahoma with Jalen Hurts....interesting. What about your team, conference, national thoughts, Heisman and such? @SpartyBlue what's the chatter up there? Are they going to run Harbaugh if he loses to OSU again? What do The Fighting Dantonios look like this year? They are like the Auburn of the Big10 to me. Everyone knows them, they usually fumble around at 8-4 or so, overshadowed by the in-state rival, but then knock off OSU and UM randomly and rattle off a 10-2 and Sparty goes to the Rose Bowl. Then go back to 8-4. War Eagle. I love college football, but it sure is nice to have 3 weeks of EPL to fill up August prior to kickoff.
  14. Not familiar with him, the cost of adding HBO is far more than my britbox subscription and I have more TV that I can watch anyway. I did do a quick scan over the amendments before I posted previously so I didn't say something factually stupid. When I did I noticed something interesting on the 27th amendment - I forget that one, I guess because when I grew up in school they were 26 amendments. it was ratified in 1992 and basically says when Congress votes themselves a raise it doesn't take effect until the next session. So in theory you're not voting yourself a raise unless you get reelected. The interesting thing to me was it was proposed in 1789, along with 10 others that became the Bill of Rights. That it took 202 years to ratify that is somewhat embarrassing. But....A 19 year old sophomore at the University of Texas wrote a paper about it, claiming it could still be ratified. He got a "C". He was pissed off about the grade, and managed to launch a national campaign bringing attention to it and it was indeed ratified. That is actually a pretty cool story that I never knew.
  15. 1. I've not heard that brought up vis-a-vis the 13th, 'tis interesting. I'm guessing it has survived legal challenges because the courts see the "pay" as going to offset the cost to the taxpayers of incarceration. I think I have heard $30k used as an average cost per inmate per year. If you assumed 20% of pay to taxes, that would mean a gross of $37,500. If based on a 2080hr work year, they are getting "credit" for $18 per hour - decent for (mostly) unskilled labor? 2. Is this not covered under an umbrella from another amendment/law? What is the consequences of not having it/what would having it address? Confessing total ignorance on this!
  16. That's NFL. It seems like there was an NCAA/College thread last year. I'll ask that magnifying glass up top
  17. "I never said most of the things I said" He he was a gift to sportswriters
  18. My neighbor who I hang out with all the time is from Detroit (as is his wife). He still proudly wears his T-Shirt from the perfect 0-16 season "Lions 2008 Preseason Champs 4-0" Reminds me, after I go check the ffl, it's probably time to start a football ('Merican) thread
  19. Sorry to hear. "Thoughts and prayers" of course
  20. I will let the immortal words of Yogi Berra answer that for me. "When you come to a fork in the road, take it"
  21. No I'm not Mike. I went over to the fourm with the intent of looking into it sometime yesterday but I saw a squirrel and never got back to it
  22. I simply cannot say. Zaha would transform our front line, Zouma would transform our backline. It's like asking me if I would rather lose my left testicle or the right one.
  23. Which also means his numbers come with worse teammates around him, going against the exact same players our boys are.
  24. I've got my fantasy draft tonight, I guess I could go ahead and pick him, he should start for SOMEBODY next weekend
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