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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Christ what positives can you take out of that half, other than we haven’t conceded.
  2. Where’s the urgency and fight in this display, this is yawning boring
  3. Bournemouth are playing shit unfortunately we’re playing worse. Get Gomes on to add some quality in Midfield.
  4. We’ve had 3 weeks of intense training and working on new things to play like this I’ll have you know
  5. We are better when McNeil stays wide on the left, a decent run of play there with McNeil heavily involved.
  6. 3 weeks of sunbathing, drinking, and fighting in Restaurants
  7. Mykolenko is going to be a big miss, Godfrey will hopefully be able too hold his own, a couple of seasons ago he played very well in that spot for a run of games. We need McNeil to stop drifting into the middle all the time, he needs to stay wide take people on and get decent crosses in, and track their RB when they are in possession.
  8. Barry died of cancer mate what you wishing on me, you could have a least said Paul at least that is my name, but I do get the humour just don’t want to be Barry thank you very much Haf’s right it would be boring if we all felt the same way about everything, there’s not many of us left who participate on the forum, and whilst I’m here I intend to have fun on here as I’m sure you and Haf do. But if the community or the mods don’t want people on here that voice a different opinion on some threads, then just say speaking for myself I’m not one to hang around where I’m not wanted?
  9. Surely we are all here because it’s fun, or are you here because it makes you miserable, what’s fun for some may not be for others, so cheer up you miserable sod
  10. The technical issue was they forgot to put a stamp on it
  11. It could have been worse, if it was a home game I can imagine you and Rom outside The old lady going where is everyone?
  12. I nearly asked you to prove it then thought better of it
  13. Evidence that that is the truth and not just TT talk.
  14. What to believe or not believe, there was some who said nothing happened so they must feel pretty silly now Dyche’s confirmed it, not everything written by the media is fake or conspiracy no matter what you think of the journal that has printed it. I always believed he had done, and I believe it was more than a tap, and I believe that the reported reaction of some players as confirmed this. They are my beliefs please don’t condemn me for my beliefs because I’m not going to condemn you for yours, I accept you have the right to voice your opinions, without being to be told your in someways stupid, give me the same respect please .
  15. That response of only a tap on the head is going to do him no favours whatsoever with the players, I’m sure they wouldn’t have reacted in the way reported if it was like brotherly tap on the head. He obviously fucked up and he needs to take ownership of it, before he starts to lose the players, if that hasn’t started already.
  16. Another uninspiring match day conference, well over half the questions were about PSR then another 25% about Forest, what’s the fuck is up with these journalists their there too ask questions about the Bournemouth game, and put him on the spot about tactics player selections ect, not ask him bunch of questions he knows fuck all about. I get more fucked off with what’s happening around this club as days and weeks roll on, and when there’s an opportunity to change the narrative and actually talk about football and how and why about the Bournemouth game we don’t, everything is so fucking depressing day in day out I’m getting fucking bored shitless with it.
  17. Premier League don’t confuse matters more Matt
  18. No probs mate I didn’t want to miss my prediction again, I’ve already given you lads a chance to beat me
  19. Has the game been moved to the Friday from Saturday?
  20. I’m pleased the players are speaking out, and outing out Dyche about his bizarre decision to keep selecting Godfrey in the RB position when Coleman’s been fit for 8 weeks, the fans and media are struggling to understand his decision to keep playing Godfrey over Coleman, and like me believed he wasn’t fit enough. The players now spilling the beans on his selections, is this showing the start of him losing the dressing room after the Portugal incident. I expect we will see Coleman start against Bournemouth now the truth is out, that he’s been fit for weeks.
  21. I’ll give you 2 guesses and you’ll still get it wrong
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