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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. I knew when I wrote vaccer it didn’t look right but couldn’t figure out why, thanks Dunc for making me look a dick
  2. Maybe a season ticket for my 65th because after 5 years on the waiting list I ain’t getting one at the Old Lady.
  3. The player we all loved 3 years ago is still in there, I’m hoping Benitez can see he’s far better than his stats suggest and give him a fair crack.
  4. Benitez seems really excited about him from seeing what he’s doing in training, let’s pray he can stay injury free and realise his potential.
  5. This will be a huge problem for anti vaccers who hold season tickets for the clubs they support.
  6. Boris got rid of the best of Tory politicians because they wouldn’t back him on Brexit, time so far is proving they were right, and the upshot of all of that is the idiots we have running the country now.
  7. Yes what’s that all about.
  8. Because they have no choice they are full of idiots.
  9. Just think mate you may have played kiss chase with Kim Wilde and you can’t remember it, they’ve always came across as a very down to earth family in interviews.
  10. I saw her at Wembley she was the support for Michael Jackson’s Bad tour.
  11. You are so Supreme boys, post it Mike love a bit of Motown Just looked that was recorded in 66 the year I started being an Everton supporter
  12. I did didn’t I so much going on in my little world at the moment don’t know whether I’m coming or going, was I going to say. 1) Now they have a DoF who is doing a good job. 2) Now they have a DoF who is doing just as poor a job as Walsh was accused of 3) Now they have a DoF that through promotions they have effectively placed a gagging order on, and he is carrying out the owners wishes whether he agrees with them or not. And just to give you a 50/50 chance of getting it right I’ll tell you all it isn’t No 1
  13. I would go along with that to a degree as well, but 6 managers in 6 years plus 2 caretakers for me proves we are a team owned by owners who genuinely believe they can buy success and have held most managers responsible for their failures, now they have a DoF who
  14. Your all right mate we’ve been in bigger scrapes than than this Matt and always come out the other end, I genuinely haven’t been offended by anything you’ve said
  15. Fair enough but next season the Walsh excuses won’t be around Walcott and Bolasie contracts have expired if things go down the wrong route for Gylfi his contract will be terminated for misconduct then he has a clean slate unless of course he doesn’t want DCL Pickford and Kean. Fuck me that reminds me I forgot about the Italian Stallion
  16. With really seen the difference that has made to our league position in the last 3 years, Zouma isn’t here Mina is always injured Gomes and Digne had one decent season the latter looks like he could be on his way sadly I love Gomes but he’s struggling. Delph Iwobi Bernard and Tosun seem to have slipped your mind, also you missed out probably his best signing since he arrived Godfrey and he’s not on silly money, our wages are going to hold us back next season we have far to many players hitting over 100k+ sanctioned by him which cannot be denied no matter how much slap your head.
  17. Matt the season before he arrived we were mid 70% he took it to mid 80% in his first season 18/19 which is what that season shows And it would have been so much worse if not for some dubious accounting from Moshiri and Usmanov, no problem with that all the big clubs are at one way or another, my problem with Brands is that he has spent massively since he arrived and stuck players on wages that have been unheard of at Everton even Walsh’s signings bar Gylfi weren’t getting anywhere near what Brands signings are getting, that’s why our wages are the on % the worst in the league I dread to think what 19/20 and 20/21 are. But read something earlier that our latest signings are due to the fact we are struggling to stay within FFP. Another big bug bear of mine is that when he signed him and Moshiri said his main role was to get us back on a better financial footing when it came to wages, in 3 years he’s achieved completely the opposite, and what’s disappointing is we haven’t seen much improvement in the team.
  18. Or if he didn’t bring players in like Tosun Delph Bernard Iwobi ect we can’t hold the managers responsible for all the dross he’s brought to the club, yet not do the same when we talk about Walsh.
  19. That’s good enough for me even one shade of Sheedy would be a huge improvement.
  20. Exactly it’s all in the contract, the contract is there to protect both parties, and when this contract was signed both legal teams would have had an input which would or should have protected their clients. These are the terms and conditions and cannot be broken by either party without incurring financial costs or the agreement of the other party.
  21. Brands has definitely added to it I think I’m right in saying that.
  22. Happy days, if we win we won’t get the trophy in the cabinet no one has seen the key for 26 years.
  23. Has he submitted a transfer request if so then he’s not entitled to walk on a free and have his contract paid up, I was working on the basis we want to get rid of him.
  24. We have had quite a few large sporting events quite recently as you said the football also Wimbledon Horse racing and F1 and the the freedom March last weekend on the political front.
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