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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Subs should have been made after 35 minutes.
  2. Doucoure stopped on that one two move, Coleman pulls him on it
  3. They deserve that and so do we for coming out 2nd half with the same team.
  4. I must have missed that, best part of the game John back with a post in match days
  5. I blame BT sport we always disappoint when they do the game.
  6. Take Gylfi and Holgate of now for Allan and Keane, and stamp for sale on their forehead when they leave the pitch.
  7. Thank god Davies is there at least he’s trying to be positive and get us going forward.
  8. This is absolutely wank what are we trying to do
  9. We need to press their CDs we are stood off letting them play it about, James Gylfi or Richarlison one of them needs to to take on the responsibility to press
  10. With 6 mids on the pitch we better not lose the midfield battle, we should dominate possession just have to turn it into goals.
  11. Thought I would mention the bench looks very strong this time, I’m quite excited to see how we line up, it looks like we are going all out to win this which of course we should, can’t wait looking forward to this.
  12. I can feel the weight piling on
  13. Jesus get positive lads what’s with all the negativity, thought I’d signed into the Fulham fan’s forum
  14. Today’s game is the most important game because it’s the next game, then it’s the City game then the horrible fuckers, how we perform in the next game and so on will determine our season, I’ve never been one of those people who reflect back on what if we beat Newcastle Burnley Fulham ect we didn’t and that’s a fact that can’t be changed.
  15. I agree more money doesn’t automatically mean you deserve or should get more criticism, but the media focus on the big leagues big teams and big players, so the bigger you become with all the trappings that gives you the bigger the microscope becomes on you as an individual, and unfortunately criticism is a huge part of it and part and parcel of the game especially for the bigger players, let’s be honest nobody is interested in Stevenages keeper for a horrendous mistake last week bar their supporters, but plenty are interested in the criticism of Allison or Lloris for their cock ups. Heston Blumenthal what ever his name is who owns the Fat Duck had an out brake of food poisoning a few years back at his restaurant the criticism went crazy the whole country got to no about it, a local restaurant in Swindon gets about of it and nobody knows, because the media aren’t interested. So in away Sparty has a point the more successful you become the more ferocious the criticism becomes, whether that is right or wrong is another matter but it does work that way.
  16. Carlo confirmed it is done but didn’t relay any details.
  17. We will do well to get something out of this but we always seem to turn up against City, I’m confident we will get at least a point we know how to dig in and battle.
  18. I get that Zoo the first time it happened my kids game consoles and games were taken, they were so upset 10,8 and 6 hard for them to understand and scary as well all though it didn’t have any lasting effects that we are aware of kids are resilient. But what has happened to Carlo and his family is frightening, his daughter must be in pieces and the rest of the family for that matter, things could have turned out a lot worse in situations like that, there are some fucking low life’s out there.
  19. If klopp was Everton manager he would have been sacked by now.
  20. I’ve been burgled twice first time when we were at work and the kids were at school, second time we were in bed the kids had left home but we had our 3 year old granddaughter staying, you know how it is when you’re missus wakes you up with the words of there’s some one in the house, and you say I can’t hear anything and roll over again job done, not this time panicked missus pushes me again, so okay I’ll have a look get up look out the bedroom window and see 2 lads are legging it across the road towards the fields and copses, quickly pull boxers on run down stairs grab the biggest knife out the kitchen and I’m off after them, running through wood’s and fields in the dark with nothing on my feet not a great decision spent 20 minutes or so looking then headed back home feet not in a very good shape. Get home and the police are there a bloke and a woman, the male copper sees the knife in my hand and starts having a pop at me, we have a few words which results in him threatening to arrest me and me telling them to get the fuck out of my house, had to phone the station the next day to get a crime number for the insurance company, I remember thinking this is going to go down well after last night but to be fair to them they gave me the number and nothing was said. 15 years later if I met that copper I would apologise to him he was doing his job, and was right if I would have caught up with one of them I would have been doing a lot of time in prison or a cemetery.
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