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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Probably only ever smoked weed 3-4 times in my life made me feel low, in a lot of ways I feel blessed that was the case it’s had a huge detrimental effect on my sons life and many others I believe.
  2. He’s rated on some Keeper stat sites as best in the world, how you determine that I haven’t got a clue just more statistical bullshit if you ask me. Really it’s all about opinions and we all see things differently and make choices for different reasons. For me it’s who ever is Everton number 1 at the time and if that seems stupid or biased in anyway to bad that’s my choice. And if the only people who think Allison is the best keeper in the the world are red supporters then how refreshing is that, there’s a lot to be said about getting behind your man in public show of strength, it’s called togetherness and that’s what makes team’s team’s. More words of wisdom by Palfy
  3. Your right 6ft 3 so a thicker insert required with the Cuban heel.
  4. Casilias world class keeper 5ft 10 I think played arguably for the the best league team in the world at the time. We could have a competition going on here for the shortest keeper in play in European football.
  5. He’s 6ft 1 the average in the PL is 6ft 2 just an inch off being off average height for a keeper, I wonder if they make football boots with a Cuban heel.
  6. Of course they do Allison 3 mistakes in 3 minutes that cost 2 goals and he’s supposedly the No1 keeper in the world. And on top of that you could argue that because it was City and a game they couldn’t afford to lose he has cost them any chance to retain the title, brilliant well played Allison.
  7. But we have control over our borders, only because no fucker wants to come here.
  8. Alison supposedly the best keeper in the world has made 3 mistakes in 3 minutes costing Liverpool 2 goals and guarantees Liverpool are highly unlikely to retain the title.
  9. Yes he is smart but I don’t think he kept playing Pickford just to keep his value up, I think he kept playing him because he believes in him, if he didn’t Olsen would have been included in the first team a lot sooner than he was and played a lot more games than he has. Olsen has featured in the last 2 games due to Pickford being injured, would it be smart to play your worst keeper over your better keeper, because that is what it sounds like you’re saying, and up until the Utd game most were saying Olsen is the better keeper the manager seems to see it differently. No doubt we will get another keeper at the expense of who we will have to wait and see.
  10. I’d like to see that he’s here now till the end of the season it would be nice to know if he’s what we have been looking for, fuck me nearly burst into song
  11. Possibly our best signing, due to his age he could be here a long time and be an Everton legend.
  12. Do you think he will play regularly here or just be used sparingly.
  13. The jury’s still out on this one but judging from past experiences he will be found guilty We as you rightly say can’t judge him on those 2 appearances hardly given enough time to break into a sweat, Leeds particularly and Utd were frenetic games coming on with only a few minutes in them sort of games is near on impossible to get into the flow and speed of the game. Whether we think he’s the right man for the club or not we need to give him fair go be for we condemn him.
  14. If I didn’t already support us I would after reading that.
  15. Do you go with the same starting eleven as the Utd game in the belief the players will show consistency, then if I was Mourinho is that what I would want, he must be thinking about how to exploit our weaknesses on the right, for that reason I would change Holgate for a fit Coleman his experience for this game will be invaluable.
  16. I am more than happy with that result not many teams will come back from 0-2 down against Utd and score 3 goals in the 2nd half to earn a draw, that should do our confidence and belief a world of good going forward as we enter the home run of the season. I don’t want talk about individuals at this point and there positives or negatives it’s a team game and you win draw or lose as a team. Hopefully no more Newcastle results on the horizon after that performance which proves that from the direst position we can get something out of every game with good hard team work Ancelloti has brought a lot to the team in his short reign with improved players a game plan and how to execute it, but for me the biggest thing is he has instilled a desire and belief in to players we may have written off to create a squad that will be able to field a team out no matter what the circumstances are, he’s a special man and a special manager.
  17. I agree if that scenario happens, at this moment in time I believe Ancelotti really rates Pickford, if he doesn’t then he’s a very convincing liar.
  18. In more than one position and it will be the beginning of along story hopefully of tales of PL and CL titles, and Pickford will still be here next season.
  19. And it doesn’t work that every time a keeper makes a mistake you get rid of them, that’s like saying every time a striker misses an open goal or someone misses a penalty you get rid of them. Football can’t be a perfect science and player’s will fuck up from time to time keepers mistakes unfortunately stand out more, Pickford will be playing here next season Olsen not so sure so you might get 50% of your wish.
  20. The current regime have already got it wrong in your eyes so the chances are they will get it wrong again.
  21. This is the 2nd game he’s buckled under the pressure of constant attacks to his goal, I can understand how that happens keepers going into panic mode when their defence isn’t protecting their area as they should do. But if we are going to say Pickford isn’t good enough to play for us because of the Leicester goal then the same should be said of Olsen, and on and on it will roll with every keeper we get because it’s an occupational hazard for keepers they are going to make mistakes, so what we need to focus on is do they do more good than bad for me Pickford definitely does his saves have gained us more points than his mistakes have lost us, and possibly the same for Olsen although he hasn’t had the same amount of games to judge him on in all fairness.
  22. Davies if he wasn’t there we could have been 4 down at half time he was an absolute Trojan winning the ball great crosses penetrating runs, never gave the ball away cheaply which resulted in a goal, has to be the best player on the pitch tonight.
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