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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. It may not have been a polished performance but this is progression, this will breed confidence.
  2. Hopefully this helps send Watford down, there’s only room for one Z Cars in this league, and we are the real deal COYB, I’m bouncing with this result after Newcastle game.
  3. We’ve had a mental couple of games, that’s why we love this club
  4. He’s shit Walcott composed get in, when was the last time we came back from 2-0 down away from home.
  5. You need to watch that again not Sidibes fault don’t let your dislike for him cloud your judgement Barry
  6. I Changed my scorer a couple of hours ago
  7. I think you’re right Matt he’s played I think 165 minutes of football for us in his first season here and what looks more likely a complete season, you can’t know whether he will be good or poor from that. And his injury record doesn’t look very good either although this is a new problem for him could it now be a repetitive one let’s hope not.
  8. There is no urgency or desperation to get into Europe there is just a desire to improve, and if that improvement results into a European spot then great, in my eyes that is surely what any team and it’s fans with aspirations would want, and you’re never know whether the team are good enough till you actually compete, I would rather fail trying than sit in the wilderness wondering.
  9. Have a great day and hopefully you get to see a win.
  10. Well let’s hope we don’t get the 11th in because that would be a team to be remembered for all the wrong reasons.
  11. Very true, did you get to see the news reports of the celebrations going on around the country, for me they were reminiscent of the VE Day parties after the war which were completely understandable after such a momentous occasion. Why they felt that they need to show there pleasure in this way is beyond me, it just shows there lack of class and understanding of what has just occurred in my eyes and they want us to unite as one and move forward. Well if that’s the face of Britain that they want to betray to the EU and the rest of the world, that they need to work, trade and form friendships with then I want nothing to do with them, for me it showed an embarrassing form of nationalism fever that I want know part of, and the sticking of two fingers up to the remainers and the rest of the EU. What was largely the feeling of most EU citizens to see images like that coming from Britain, it would be interesting to know.
  12. Now we are officially out does it mean after 31 December players from EU countries will have to obtain a work permit to come here and play.
  13. Always the way mate, I think it’s called Sod’s law
  14. So would Klaassen, we’ve had some good players here who didn’t get fair chance and looked lacking because of poor managers.
  15. Plus Richarlison isn’t world class, he has the potential to be, so the gamble is do you keep him in the belief he may become world class and be worth 160 million plus, and let’s be honest there’s just as much of a chance he won’t be, or do you cash in now at 85- 100 million.
  16. Besic Sandro Vlasic and you would have money over for Bolassie and Niasse
  17. Don’t do that mate it’s part of the joy of reading your posts
  18. Well that will make Shukes happier I can picture him now doing cartwheels down to the pub
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