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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. McCarthy to get a red today he’s going to be fired up and late in the tackle.
  2. Exactly he also can gauge what he wants for next season, instead of the usual buy because there available policy that we’ve seen with the last 3 managers.
  3. No Mina did he bullied him in an unorthodox way.
  4. You use to see a lot of Liverpool flags at Celtic games and supporters wearing scarves made up 50% Celtic and 50% Liverpool, but you’re right a few players have crossed the divide in the last few years, but that would have been sacrilege in Nicholas day.
  5. This and it would have been more prevalent when he played and supported them.
  6. Probably because of his Celtic days it must come from that.
  7. I remember him from Forrest, if it’s who I’m thinking of was he a black lad and quite a bit of pace?
  8. Same as we’ve got a good spirit and momentum going on, it won’t be easy and I don’t envy the person given the job of keeping Zaha quiet, but if we can win this a top 6 isn’t beyond our crasp who would have thought that not so long ago.
  9. That’s right Shukes it was a hypothetical question would Moyes be better than Silva, then it nearly come true which might have been a different story But at the time Silva had to go and Ancelotti wasn’t on the radar, and I think most thought anyone was nearly preferable to Silva.
  10. No but I remember Franz Ferdinand a decent band from Scotland
  11. Cottage cheese and natural peanut butter mixed together, not only healthy as a bed time snack but a taste sensation
  12. I know you was mate but maybe we’ve given them something to think about, maybe!
  13. Moyes was manager for nearly all those 10 games, we had a lot of good times under Moyes, and he gave us teams with a great fighting spirit till the end which is probably why so many are when he was manager.
  14. What does it matter there cast in to history now and won’t have any input in what happens going forward, Pickford will and he is one of the better keepers in this league and can help the team going forward.
  15. Exactly the medal is the proof you can’t argue with facts he is a World Cup winner.
  16. I had 3 kids a mortgage and was working my nuts off 7 days a week. I was driving home from Abingdon to Swindon listening to what was happening on the radio, I was working with a lad who was Man U supporter he made me pull over and get in the passenger seat, he was shitting himself he thought I was going to kill us both.
  17. I would go for Neves Moutinho and Traore a 130-150 million should get em. And if we haven’t got the readies we can always sell Richarlison and Pickford
  18. I really rate him but every player has there price and if anyone came in will an 80 million plus offer for him I would say take it.
  19. I wouldn’t of had him over Howe, for me he’s unknown when it comes to management yes he’s worked with Pep but he’s not Pep. Personally I think Arsenal and this job are far to big for anyone as their first job.
  20. Right I heard on the news something I thought it was he got the wrong team, obviously miss heard or they got it wrong.
  21. I use to have following for the Chiefs in the early nineties, I’ve recorded it so will get round to watching in the next day or so. I heard on the news that Trump congratulated the 49ers to be honest not in the slightest surprised.
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