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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. The whole team had been underperforming until Silva was shown the door, he’s improved as much everyone else since Ferguson and then Ancelotti took over, but that doesn’t mean he won’t make mistakes as everyone in the team will.
  2. He’s definitely one special guy Everton will be a sadder place without him around, stay forever André.
  3. Seriously 40/1 that is great odds how long ago was that Steve I fancy a piece of that, for me that is so achievable if we beat Arsenal away which I believe we will 4th place is definitely on.
  4. It was 6 years ago you’re right it is a very Hi tech city, but there’s still that small area were Hippies and Gays frequent, which is very much like how it must have been in decades ago I assumed.
  5. cheers mate but you’re lucky I was August 59, I can’t even say I was a 60s child you can’t begin to feel how depressing it is to say you born in 50s.
  6. For me Tom wouldn’t look out of place in San Francisco’s hippy quarter in some of gear he wears.
  7. Thanks for that insight Sib that’s made me feel a whole lot better
  8. I’d go a long with that, can’t see what all the fuss is about to be honest.
  9. Exactly he’s been cast to room 101 now no point in debating the past it isn’t going to change the future, let’s move on and discuss the current management players and board there the ones that are going to make a difference right now.
  10. Fair play to his mum, have you put in your request for tickets to Leicester or Southampton game for your birthday
  11. We love kangaroo courts in our press over here and everyone is guilty or it wouldn’t be any fun
  12. That would scare the fuck out of there defenders, but please there midfielders.
  13. I’ve got to sympathise with his mistake easily done in my world, I’ve gone to work in odd shoes I’ve even got most of the way to the office still in my slippers, I have even taken the house phone to work thinking it was my mobile, so forgetting to put a sock on or leaving it in the dressing room whilst taping or bandaging you’re leg or for what ever reason not a big one for me shit happens.
  14. No one is saying you can’t criticise him, every player at the club should be criticised if they give a bad performance. But you want to get rid of him which most don’t, do we get rid of all players for making a mistake now or just the ones we don’t personally like.
  15. I don’t, miles off what he was last season not saying he won’t get back there, just that he’s not there yet.
  16. Wow thanks mate I knew there was a reason why I really liked you
  17. If Walcott wasn’t available you could also put Richarlison on the right and start Kean with DCL. Arsenal aren’t bad if you stand off them and just try to defend, but press them in their own half and rough their MF and strikers up they struggle. Their defenders are poor their MF are poor without time and space to work in and their forwards have become lazy because they don’t see much of the ball. The Wenger day’s are well and truly over for this set of players and Arteta isn’t having much of an impact on them since going there. If we didn’t win this I would disappointed, we are very much the better team.
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