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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. That makes a lot of sense the board need to come up with the goods, Moshiri has promised the money is there now I hope we see some action in the market soon, and we haven't been fed another tale.What has crossed my mind and I hope I'm wrong, is that now the stadium has got the green light, do the board want to invest more money into that than the team, because a new stadium would make them personally a lot more money.
  2. Now I'm really confused, are you a prophet if so what is the meaning of your wisdom.
  3. Diane Abbott is no longer shadow home secretary thankfully so there you go John no excuses mate Labour all the way, because not even you can surely support the likes of Boris.
  4. Fair enough maybe fairy tale wasn't the right terminology to use, but they are fictional stories, as science has proved some of the text to be untrue, and no religion has proved the existence of any God.Now I cannot believe in anything that has no proof of existence bar a book written by someone thousands of years ago, to me that's as crazy as being told that Everton won the double this year when I know they never, yet I believe they did because I have complete faith in the person who told me they did. Not all but most people who believe in a higher being have had that taught to them from an early age know matter what faith they follow, and when you come from a religious family or environment at an early age are very impressionable, and in some ways brain washed into being a believer. I would say prove to me the existence of God, I know the reply will be prove God doesn't exist, well here's a starter he didn't put Adam and Eve on the planet, we evolved from Apes your book says otherwise.
  5. Your right mate it's that deep I'm drowning, but shouldn't complain I threw myself in.
  6. You sound like a conscientious objector, you would let your enemies commit atrocities and in the name of some higher being turn the other cheek and forgive them in the hope that, what they we will see the errors of their ways, and find ever lasting peace in the arms of some unproven God. That's a fairy tale just like the bible and the Koran, but luckily for you and me our fathers and grandfathers didn't turn the other cheek in 1939.
  7. You like us didn't have much of a choice, if you win you still lose.
  8. Religion does a lot of good try telling that to the hundreds of if not thousands of children in Ireland who were victims of dirty fucking priest praying on innocent children wholesale in the name of Christ, and then the Catholic church closing ranks as far up as the Vatican for decades because they didn't want the truth to be known, which allowed more innocent children to fall into the net. Where's the good the morality the kindness the comfort in that, the people who did that are the people that preach to you, that you look up to and get guidance from, not for me, I don't need religion to tell me right from wrong and people who do need religion to help them live their lives are no better than those who can operate with out the crutches of religion.
  9. Mine says vote Lib Dems, I've been saying that for weeks.What did yours say Mike, go home early.
  10. Since the 80's and to date a majority of conflicts around the world whether in Europe,Africa or Asia have been fought in the name of religion.Now I won't pretend to know how many people have died because of the difference in religious ideology, but imo far to many to justify the need to believe religion is needed and makes the world a better place to live. I'm an atheist and I don't feel there is anything missing in my life because I have no God to answer to or believe in, and I definitely don't believe that being religious makes you a better and more stable person as the last 30 years or so have proven, so I find very difficult to see how religion play's a worthwhile role in society, when it is clear it has become a major source of conflict.
  11. Just watching Preston on Sunday, and someone in the Labour party has fucked up sending that horrible condescending bitch on to represent the party.
  12. Catholics have been killing in the name of religion for hundreds of years and still are, the truth is religion has been the reason for many conflicts round the world.The reason being religion makes you different from someone who doesn't share your religious views and values, whether right or wrong this has caused more conflict and killing, than if there was no religion.
  13. Poles are suggesting that Tory lead is getting smaller daily, now they are disagreeing on whether they will increase income tax or not, they have scored so many home goals they have become a joke and only hardened Tories will surely vote for them now. May could go down in history for losing what was believed to be a dead cert victory, let's hope so anyway.
  14. So do I live in Tory stronghold, considering barricades at the polling station, that should stop the bankers.
  15. He needs to be committed to a mental institution, for his own protection and the world's. Can't America's top psychotherapist get together prove he's not of sound mind, and have him committed against his free will. Just a thought.
  16. Hung parliament for me Labour to form a government in a coalition with Lib Dems I hope. Theresa May forced to leave country. Johnson and Gove executed. Tory party disbanded. If only dreams can come true, what a better country we could be living in.
  17. That's the scariest thing I've heard this year, god help us if your right John.
  18. To be honest Mark if an Indian and a Pakistani had a conversation with me I wouldn't have a clue which was which based solely on their accents, can you tell the difference from all of the American accents from the Canadian accent, if someone from Seattle spoke to me they may as well come from Vancouver to me they would sound the same.
  19. Christian Muslim, Catholic Protestant, Hindu, or Jew, people murder in the name of religion, because they believe it legitimises their actions. I personally believe in no God or religion, but try to live my life treating people how I would like to be treated, no need for a bible or the Koran to tell you how to be a good person, but they come in handy if you want to have conflict with someone with different religious views from yourself.
  20. When I'm abroad and get asked by someone where I come from, usually Americans because they seem to think with my accent that I'm Australian, which is understandable because most of English dialogue they hear from this country on their televisions, is what I call the newsreaders accent. Anyway when I'm asked I never refer to myself as coming from the UK or being British, I always say I'm from England or I'm English, in all fairness Britain isn't United there are probably just as many people in the four countries that make up the UK who want independence for their country from the union, so I'm not proud to be British but I am to be English.
  21. WTF it's not the Krypton Factor, it's about innocent people being killed by radicalised extremist, to believe that how many police officers attend church or a mosque will have a bearing on this, is pure fantasy you could close every mosque in the country and you would still have the same amount of radicals wanting to kill.And if the solution was as easy as making police officers attend mosques undercover or otherwise don't you think that would have been happening years ago. What we have to do is stop giving the hate campaigners the ammunition to preach their vile rhetoric to the gullible followers, and we can start by keeping out of war's that are of no concern to us, because this has led us to where we are today.
  22. Hope you stick around Blue Ridge and settle in,you've definitely made the right choice this time. Love the fact that you come from Virginia, I have a real interest in the civil war, you Virginians played a huge role in that campaign and I'd love to visit your state to get a feel of its history.
  23. With the players he's brought in so far, average for me.
  24. Everything is bigger in America, even their idiots.
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