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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. http://www.blues.premiumtv.co.uk/page/News...1315305,00.html
  2. We've been having man sex, he's very gentle and always respects my feelings
  3. http://www.birminghammail.net/birmingham-s...97319-20932095/ Signing for Birmingham
  4. IMO it's good news. Not particularly because I want rid of Carsley, but because it forces Moyes' hand. I don't believe he would have brought in a replacement for Carsley this summer if he'd stayed, and even you must agree it was about time Carsley's duties were lessened with a replacement?
  5. He's supposed to be the replacement for Carsley, and Carsley has been allowed to leave so I'd expect Moyes to have had someone lined up in preparation for that. Maybe there's some truth in it.
  6. I'd be very, very suprised if that was true tbh. As Jamie said, it's just not Everton
  7. Well he's just signed a new contract so I'd eat my house if he left this summer, nevermind for the shite. Get back to kopshite.com mate, you're not wanted here.
  8. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/cars-departs.html I feel it's the right time for him to go. He must be replaced with quality though.
  9. Yeah, you're able to talk to other clubs from January
  10. Moyes wants him to play defensive midfield so I don't think that will be happening
  11. Hopefully he'll be better than the last local right back we brought through - Hibbert.
  12. Ah well, if we get him then he'll make a good squad player and if not, we can do better anyway. Don't want Ebanks-Blake and I would hope Moyes won't waste money on a keeper when we don't need one and he needs to spend most of his budget on midfielders.
  13. Mate, you should have said sooner! As Licker said, we're shite with transfers so I'd expect it to rumble on to the last day of the transfer window. We make the easiest transfers into merry go rounds. He'll probably sign for Wigan next week
  14. How do you know the medical will be happening Monday if you don't mind me asking? I mean, neither club or his agent have confirmed anything as far as I'm aware.
  15. I heard he was going to be in Hungary for the next two weeks so it wouldn't be happening for a while
  16. Mate, I'd take anything they're willing to pay tbh.
  17. Someone is nuts enough to spend money on him? Deal.
  18. I forgot about her too, I talk to her as well.
  19. He can only play on the right so I doubt it
  20. Yeah we did it's on our official site, quite an achievement.
  21. http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...3574134,00.html Hardly going to improve our first 11 is he? Hopefully he'll just be a squad player.
  22. I'm registered on NSNO and Kipper but I very rarely post
  23. I've met nobody off here but im friends with Everton Lad, Craccer, Claire, and Mac on msn. I think that's it.
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