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Romey 1878

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Everything posted by Romey 1878

  1. Welcome. You made the right choice in coming here and choosing Everton
  2. Blue 250 - No one is saying Moyes shouldn't have to ask BK for transfer funds. What I, and others, think is that BK should have told Moyes what he had to work with months a go - i.e. you get us into Europe and you have this amount to spend, if not you only have this much. Clubs are making signings NOW and Moyes still hasn't been told his budget so he can't be talking to the players he wants yet. There's something wrong with that IMO.
  3. He still has a year on his contract, he'll be let go next summer more than likely.
  4. I'd be very, very surprised if this happened tbh.
  5. I'll second that. Quality post, much the same thoughts as myself.
  6. Soon enough the only assets left to sell will be those on the pitch ... I don't know about anyone else but that's a scary thought for me
  7. Someone posted the article on another forum, if I find it again I'll post it here.
  8. No. I want us to sign Fernandes, no doubt about it. But he's not the special player Pip is on about, not yet anyway. He could be if he gets settled somewhere (hopefully here) but he's not a special player just yet.
  9. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/sport/foo...icle3919639.ece
  10. Wessels has been RELEASED, we will get no fee for him.
  11. This is a place for rumours Plus, he went to Fulham to be down south closer to his family.
  12. YAWN. Any one of us could be the chairman, or chairwoman, of this club then. We all sing songs, we are all passionate about this club, and none of us (that I know of) have the money necessary.
  13. However much money we have BK has to back Moyes with what DM feels is enough to at least keep us where we are now.
  14. Moyes has said they'll discuss the Manny situation this week and that he "has some ideas". It looks hopeful.
  15. Tut tut Louis, this isn't a rumour now is it? Our glorious leader as well ....
  16. Both of them should never have been signed IMO. Carsley looks like he's definitely leaving - Moyes took him off so he could get his ovation from the crowd and all the players clapped him too.
  17. Cracking performance from all of the lads today, although Vic looked lazy at times again (he's not good enough for this league). Manny bossed the game and if we could get him for under £10million I'd say DEAL.
  18. How can anyone continue to back Kenwrong? It's beyond me. He is currently showing that he's a friggin amatuer when it comes to the big decisions, there is no way this man should be in charge at Everton. He's heading for big trouble if we lose Moyes, that I have no doubt of.
  19. That means jack shit. Moyes should be chasing the players he wants NOW and not being left hanging by BK. It's disgraceful in my eyes.
  20. That's all we fucking need
  21. http://www.evertonfc.com/news/archive/targ...n-t-change.html What worries me here is this statement from Moyes "I've been given no indication yet as to what I can and can't do. I have got in my mind an idea of what I think is required." FFS Spurs have already signed one player and BK still hasn't told Moyes his budget seemingly. A fucking joke.
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