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Everything posted by Wiggytop

  1. That I know, my point was if the midfield had been stronger they wouldn’t have been in a position to score
  2. Think we could go with 4-1-3-2 on Saturday with Gylfi Iwobi dropping back if needed
  3. I like the lad, he had a poor start to his career with us due to foot injury and infection, came though that and was solid for the last half of the season alongside Zouma. Has the change of partner knocked his confidence, he seems to be a player that suffers if he is lacking self confidence, and is that having a knock on effect on the players around him. If that is the case, a good game at the weekend is needed to get him heading in the right direction again.
  4. Really ? We conceded 3 goals to Bournemouth, doesn't strike me as a solid partnership.
  5. Surely no Everton fan would deface our stadium?
  6. I would have played him instead of Schniederlin, at least Tom tries to drive forward with the ball, which we lacked all game.
  7. Had problems with my NowTV connection, so had to watch on my iPad, were we as bad on a big screen as a small one?
  8. Scumbag Souness doing his usual thing and slating us, time Tim gave him a slap!
  9. Their squad is too small to cope with Europa, plus Chelsea were clinical.
  10. I'm confident of a win today, how well we do it will be a barometer of our ambition, the chance to go 3rd must be a huge incentive for the players.
  11. Schniederlin is the one player who makes me shudder, does very little going forward, high percentage of sideways or back passes, and throws in stupid tackles which getvhim booked or sent off
  12. Just watched the short series of shorts ( 10 mins per episode ) of "The secret mind of Herbert Clunkerdunk" on BBC and iPlayer, really liked it surreal and bizarre comedy, reminded me of Spike Milligan amongst others, if you do watch John Wallop bits are my favourites.
  13. I think that's the idea behind him going out on loan.
  14. Couldnt agree more, he made some lovely turns and drove forward, then ran out of ideas quite a few times. I've been impressed with what I've seem so far and will be happy if he carries on with his positive running. Couple of goals ain't bad either!
  15. Typlical game from him last night, some really impressive play then either he ran out of ideas, or ran into trouble, overall not impressed by him.
  16. A poor ball from Rice dropped him in it initially, either way, good to see him keep his head and got a direct assist and secondary assist.
  17. They sacked him, he didn't leave, I'm amazed they do as well as they do with all the changes, I suppose it looks good on a managers CV, a few months at Watford!
  18. Maybe a mix of all three, whatever long may it continue
  19. No need to appologise, we were always pushing our luck flying back on the day, air traffic were the issue.
  20. No problems Pete, all the turnstiles were closed, so I went into the ticket office, and they sent me to the steel gates near the Park end , "bang on them and if there's a steward there they will let you in" Thankfully there was and they did
  21. Well, just about made the last 25 minutes, ran u and down Goodison Rd trying to get the stewards to open a gate! flight delayed by air traffic control, what we saw was similar to last season, exciting going forward but shaky at the back from long balls, their 2nd goal was shocking defending we just stood and watched it bounce. Thought we could have won by one or two more bar two excellent saves by Patricio.
  22. Best laid plans and all that, have gone wrong, flight from LPL to Palma delayed, we’re now due to land at 13.51 at LPL, hopefully will catch 2nd half if all stays as is
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