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Boston Toffee

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Everything posted by Boston Toffee

  1. Given Doms injury history our season may come down to Neil Maupay... good times
  2. I Can't believe he isn't gone yet. We'll actually I can. He is a clueless manager. But we are run by a clueless board
  3. I was all in on Frank but was blind to his lack of game day management because he said all the right things. But now he seems confused. I'm done. I'm fully convinced if he stays we go down. I'm tired of hearing him say how well we played at Man United too.
  4. Take him. He always seems to score against us.. Can't be any worse than what we have.. wait..sure he can
  5. Moshiri is so out of touch. He really thinks that letter would ease Evertonians? I'd have rather had nothing than that
  6. No.one deserves it but why not.. Seamus it is
  7. Sadly I think we hit our bottom but nope, we can find more bottoms. Especially when Southampton beats us
  8. Let Frank suffer the beating next week at City. In the meantime start looking for replacement
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