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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. I can talk all day about logical fallacies Steve.... slothful induction fallacy in this instance. Or burden of proof fallacy. my fallacy right now is "you all brushed it off as nonsense and it clearly wasn't so put that in your pipe and smoke it" in all seriousness - surprised at dyches arrogance today. Should have dealt with it better. Basically put the blame on Patterson for not getting the joke.
  2. I suppose that depends on how accurate your initial thoughts were doesn't it Steve. what's draining is sitting waiting for 20 minutes for a press conference and seeing dyche become a cross between a college jock and David Brent but ...... Patto neeeds to man up .
  3. Care to continue your thoughts on it? Had plenty when you started saying it was bollocks cos it's the daily mail. what did you make of his "yeah I did it like a big brother but he didn't get the joke". Genuinely interested, I assume you will say it was all about nothing but clearly dyche stated Patterson wasn't happy.
  4. the tumbleweeds on this thread...... im pretty sure this thread would be alive with "daily mail full of shit as usual" shouts if it wasn't for dyches interview today.
  5. Guilia Bould asked a great question around attacking play and chances creation and practicing ....... drew a very uninspiring answer. ths club did release footage of our strikers beating statues and scoring against youth keepers
  6. Seen it live and don't wish to view it again. Embarrassing. He had 2 weeks to think of an answer about the Patterson incident and what he comes out with was embarrassing. 1. he confirms it happened 2. he "tapped" little brother Patterson so insignificantly that he didn't get the joke. I mean what's next - will one of the females in finch farm get offended if he gives a little pinch on the bum? David Brent levels of self awareness. "you know what - sometimes it's difficult as an ex player to not get involved with my squad, I gave Nathan a playful slap with no disrespect intended and in fairness to him he said he wasn't happy. I respect that and as a man I wouldn't be happy if someone did that to me. I apologised to Nathan and we've moved on" took 2 minutes to think of that.....But nooooooo Sean is the man and Nathan's a big cry baby.
  7. Completely overrated performance. Mad how fans go mad for a player who doesn't grab the game, so passive it's untrue.
  8. Thought his press conference was shite,"Patterson didn't get the joke"..... "couldn't work on attacking phases of play cos Pickford wasn't there" "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. Nothing in it really, I tapped him on the head like an older brother would and he didn't get the joke. It's really that simple." Maybe Patterson not getting the joke was cos it wasn't a tap on the head. Just confirms to me the type of bloke he is. Explanation very telling. He's the elder brother and little brother got upset cos he's a bit of a fanny and not as manly and alpha male as him. just so unprofessional it's not even funny. He's a dickhead.
  9. Welll...... it's really happening now. Iceland changed hot cross buns to have a tick on them, we knew that one. next up cadburys outlets selling "gesture eggs" - even non religious people are fuming about it. I thought it was a windup.... it's not. Here's an idea - imagine that changing the names of Christian festivals would create the same reaction to changing the names of other religions festivals..... my guess is that people would say "no chance". I genuinely hope these virtue signalling bosses pick up their P45's due to costing their companies a fortune.
  10. I worked for a global bank, in excess of 50000 employees. For some unknown reason I was accidentally included on emails that were sent by people in India to each other. The emails were jokes about other Indians from different reasons and the jokes were like Bernard Manning jokes from the 80s - absolutely shocking. Humans are very strange creatures when it comes to territory/culture.
  11. That has been discussed on Twitter and a few people mentioned NDA's. not sure if that's true or not. Personally I would have respected this more if he did it when bill could respond.
  12. all made by poor people in 3rd world countries on less than £1 per hour...... but lets stick colours and flags and logos that make the team wearing it raise awareness for people being mistreated
  13. pretty depressing listen this. Far too many people knew about this at the time - loads of lies and spin trying to justify why it didn't happen. Without question the single biggest own goal in the clubs history - Gregg seen the future. The fortress fund was then made up as a lie to get rid of him.
  14. Maybe it's a minority/inferiority/militant thing. Maybe years ago people in England didn't feel the need to show that they are English and proud because it was there.... when people feel that their cultures and traditions are being challenged then they will show their colours so to speak. 2012 olympics, Stella mccartneys designs didn't create a kick off no.... pretty much fir reasons stated above I'm guessing. in the past few years it feels as though our traditions are being challenged and changed. The M&S Christmas, Iceland with Hot cross buns changes. Respected statues being climbed on with other flags put on them. People are starting to say enough is enough. I'm not right wing at all but it seems some of my views nowadays are being labelled right wing by those who proudly claim to be left. It's a game - I subscribe to the political party of common sense, humanity and decency. I don't know if such exists.
  15. The reality is that people are starting to get pissed off with a two tier approach to things of importance. its that simple
  16. Iceland putting ticks on hot cross buns? - don't get that either. If you don't want hot cross buns because they are viewed as part of a Christian festival - buy tea cakes. You can buy Hot Cross buns on the weeks leading up to Easter for a reason. Our traditions are being challenged in a very underhand way. Equality means treating all the same way - not just thinking "hmmm.... can't offend them but we can take a chance with this lot.. and if people object they get called a right wing gammon" The far left could well be a creation of some right wing strategist to make people right wing. Thats how crazy it is going. im neither, i find both extreme sides sickening tbh. Completely intolerant of an opinion that makes sense if it is supposedly aligned to the opposite side. ironically both labour and conservative have spoken out against Nike messing with the St Georges flag..... the scouse not English party aren't arsed - just don't mess with the montirex logo they say.
  17. Watched sale with work. Full meal and seen players etc - they trained at our place of work. its not a patch on footy but drinking in the stands was good
  18. You misread my post. I knew you had in the first instance. No in the politest way possible Mike - you like to be a smart arse. We wouldn't have you any other way though.
  19. Why the right Mike - a bit of a generalisation isn't it? Ive voted labour in every single election, i do work for diversity as part of my role and whilst I'm not getting in to the bollocks of seeing where I am on the political spectrum I personally think that messing about with symbols of significance is out of order. Why is it people need to try and bracket people??? Is it not ok to get annoyed that virtue signalling is messing about with traditionally respected icons?
  20. Well.... if you object to it then you are a racist, brexit gammon who has nothing better to do than to get offended by the St George's flag being messed with. It's usually people with Ukraine, EU flags on their bios who make such statements. we live in a strange world where sensitivity to peoples feelings and beliefs only matter for the minority. my thoughts are - flags are important to many people. Servicemen and women hold flags in the highest regard and when they are buried they receive a flag on their coffin. Leave it alone. Me personally? I'm not concerned but on behalf of people who are - yes. The same way that whilst I'm not gay or black - I will stand up for people who are disrespected.
  21. Virtue signalling bore who has wasted superb talent. why does he have to manage us in the euros ffs
  22. There is literally nothing out there remotely credible apart from the Esk who isn't without inaccuracies. I personally don't have a clue how it all works. All I know is that there are people who make out they know more than other people yet would spout shit such as "administration is a better option" - which is utter horseshit
  23. The Esk reckons it's the epl giving 777 a polite dismissal. Another "prove this" challenge. the epl will not reject a buyer.... they just don't approve. .......... Esk reckons - not haf reckons..... no turn around here. Poor structure to the post maybe. Pretty sure it was not long after waking up.... feel very sleepy now funny enough. Did you ever think about being an auditor Mike? The only way to get job satisfaction is to be boring enough to try to find inaccuracies in pages of work and get the payback in the currency of smugness.
  24. I can only find one which was the Saudi purchase of Newcastle. Which was eventually approved. I'm sure we know why it was rejected. Esk says they don't tend to reject buyers. Moshiri is a piece of work.
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